Chapter 5

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Possible slight sensitive material and bad words again, please read at your own risk and sorry for the sadness. Also thank you very much for all the support and comments and happy reading!

~ "(y/n) please be alright I don't want to loose you please be alright I'll never forgive myself if I loose you again, this is all my fault."

Darkness was all, all that was around you and all that you could see. This was it you thought how you died hit by a car. You got up and looked around nothing but darkness and no voices heard.

"Weird" you said to yourself "I thought heaven was supposed to be way more brighter than this unless I wasn't good enough to make it there..." You said muttering to yourself.

After a while you soon than began to hear voices and squinted a bit realizing it was only a dream sadly. As you then woke up you looks up at the ceiling and started looking around you this definitely was not your home, where were you?

Your head hurt like hell as well as your body slightly annoyed you tried to sit yourself up but just as that something or rather someone pushed you back down making you lay back down. You turned to see who it was and just as you did you became angry and wished you did not bother to turn. What the hell was he doing here?!

Alfred gave you a half smile and rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled a bit.  "Hehe I uh look don't get up dudette the docs here says it wouldn't be best for you. So anyway how are you feeling? You had me worried I thought well I thought the worst happened but I'm glad you're awake heh" he said almost too cheerfully for your taste.

You scoffed and almost immediately turned to look the opposite direction. "Of all people what do you want Alfred? Go away and just leave me the fuck alone I've had enough of you" you said rather rudely almost yelling at him.

~ Alfred's pov:

"Of all people what do you want Alfred? Go away and just leave me the fuck alone, I've had enough of you" she said pretty angrily and looked the opposite direction. Hearing that from her I stayed quiet for a bit before speaking again.

"(Y/n) I saw what had happened when the car came and your wrists that because of me?" I asked voice cracking a bit as tears started to form almost threatening to fall freely.

Almost immediately she turned and faced me anger written all over her (s/c) face. "What the hell do you think? For years I've been bullied and picked on by everyone worst of all you! I have had no one to turn to no one to talk to, all of this is your fault! then here you come all of a sudden kissing me and telling me that you love me?! No Alfred just no you call yourself a hero but here to me you're just a villain you are the real villain in my everyday life, I hate you!"

Hearing all that my eyes almost immediately widened. It's all my fault I'm not even her hero hell I don't even deserve to be called a hero she has a point this is all my fault. Then it happened I started to cry, I, Alfred F. Jones grabbed one of (y/n)'s hands and cried begging for her forgiveness.

"(Y-y/n) please no, I'm sorry. Yes this is all my fault but I didn't mean for all of this to go too far it's just my reputation and all of school it's just ugh. I'm sorry dude I'm honestly so sorry I never even knew I pushed you so far as to where you would actually cut yourself please I'm sorry!" I said as tears were now streaming down my face, and here I was practically almost yelling at her for forgiveness.

~Your pov:

Your eyes widen a bit as he then grabbed your hand begging for forgiveness seeing him like that almost broke your heart but what really made it practically hurt was that he, Alfred, was crying begging here and crying repeatedly apologizing to you.

Your eyes soften a bit as you looked at the crying blonde haired American. "Al I don't know I just can't you've hurt me for years and I just can't. One promise was made years ago and it was broken as well as me I-I don't want to again. I don't want to make another promise and have that broken as well as me, please just no....."

"No no please (y/n) please come on I promise look we start all over please look just give me another chance and...and I-i promise you will be my first priority not a stupid reputation or anything it'll just be you and me come on dude what do you say? Please?" He said as he looked up at you with red puffy sea blue eyes.

You looked at him and pulled your hand away from the American's hold "Al look I just don't know I uh just don't know what to say I'm sorry...."

Bully!America x Bullied!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora