I Fought A Scientist Once • Rick

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"So, you *rrp* weren't planning to kill me?" I ask her.

"Yet." She rolls her eyes.

She puts some rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab, she kneels down to my cut and presses it down.


"It's done, genius." She rolls her eyes.

"Now let's put a bandage on it."
She unwrapped a bandage with a spaceship on it.

"There we go!" She says, securing it on my cut.

"Wait." She says.

She plants a kiss on my cut.

I turn a bright red.

"R-ricks Blushing!" Morty teased.

"Don't ruin this for me!" I mouthed, Y/N didn't see it.

"Kids, leave him alone, he's old, and grumpy." Y/N chuckled.

Summer and Morty leave the room.

"Thanks." I tell her.

"Of course." She replys, aiding her own cut.

"Let me do *rrp* it." I take the supplies from her.

I did what she did, I added rubbing alcohol to a swab, and placed it on her cut.


"Yeah, it's not so *rrp* fun is it?" I smirk and grab a bandage.

"Here, now we're matching." I place a bandage with the same design on it.

"Wait." I tell her, smiling.

I place a kiss on her cut.

"Now we're even... Are you blushing?" I ask her pointing to her face.

"SHUT U-UP!" She yelled at me.
"Y-YOU DID TOO!" She shoves me playfully.

I hear snickering from upstairs.


"You're such a loving grandfather." Y/N chuckled.

"You have no idea *rrp* what I do for those little shits." I look at her, she's laughing.

"I-i like that laugh." I told her.
She stopped laughing, and looked at me.

We stared at each other for a good minute, then started laughing.

"Your's too Rick." She says, calming down.

"That's probably why my wife left me." I kept laughing, she didn't.

"I'm annoying as *rrp* hell." I add

"I bet she was a lucky woman." She mumbled to herself.

"To have fucked the *rep* smartest man in the world." I paused. Looking at Y/N.

"She was." I finish.

Y/N looked at me with suttle disgust, then smiled.

"You have good hearing, for 60." She said.

"You'd be surprised." I take a sip from my flask.

We sat on the couch for a bit, then I got curious.

"Do you like living by yourself Y/N?" I asked her.

She stared at the ground.

"If you asked me that, when I was younger, I would have said yes." She paused.

She looks at my hand.

"But you know, having company isn't so bad." She reached out for my hand, I took it.

Once her hand hand was in mine, you could hear my heart beat, my face flushes red, and I couldn't breathe, no woman has ever made me feel this way, Not Bonnie, Not Unity.

"How about you, R-rick. Do you like being lonely?" She asked me.

"E-ever since my ex-wife left, I don't really know how too feel. I've have a relationship with an Alien once, she wasn't the one either. I guess I've just been, lonely. So, I guess, no?" I squeeze her hand tighter.

"Well I'm here?" She said looking into my eyes.

"You are, you're holding my hand." I say sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant you big dope, I meant I'm here, for you." She grabs my chin and looks into my eyes.

"I'm here for you Rick." She leaned toward my cheek and gave it a meaningful kiss.

I start sweating, and I turned such a bright red, that you could mistake me for a tomato.

"I'mma go change into the extra clothes." She stood up and still grabbing my hand, pulling me toward her.

"Wanna stay the night?" I asked her, so close to her face.

"I'd like that." I kissed her hand and she left to change.

Never was I in love more than I am with her, in my life.

*Ding ding*

I got a, text?

Summer: Here, savior the moment * insert picture of Y/N kissing Rick's cheek.*

Morty: Lmao

I hate those kids.
How Sweet, it makes me want to puke.


Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang