Chapter [6]

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Audrey wakes up at 3:00 Am And rolls over to answer the phone without knowing who it is.

"Hello" she says
"Hey Aubrey, could you come and meet up with me before  I leave?" Someone asks her.

"Who's this?" Aubrey says


There is a moment of silence for a while

"Hello?" Aubrey says

"It's Tj" he says

"Oh. Why are you calling me?"

Aubrey says while getting out of bed

"Well I wanted to talk about the email I sent you the other day. I just want to talk to you. Do you trust me?" Tj says with a shaky voice.

Aubrey puts down the phone to think.

She picks the phone back up and answers "fine, meet me at Meadow-Wood street in 20 minutes" and hangs up.

Aubrey's Thoughts

What did I just get myself into! Me meeting up with him, AGAIN. Maybe I'm just overthinking. He just wants to talk.


Aubrey finishes getting dressed and walks down the stairs. She stops to see that her dad and Emma are holding hands and watching tv.

"Oh hey, Aubrey" Emma says turning around with a fake smile

"I didn't know you were up stairs". She says laughing

"Oh well ya, just woke up" Aubrey says walking to the kitchen to get a muffin.
"I wonder why she's here so early " Aubrey says to herself

"I'm going out dad" Aubrey says while opening the front door and leaves.

When Aubrey is half way near Meadow-Wood she sees Tj drive past her with his truck.

"Need a lift?" he says with a big grin

"No thanks I'm almost there" Aubrey says walking away from the truck.


When Aubrey arrived Tj walks up to her.

"Aubrey I'm leaving"

"What do you mean you're leaving? Aubrey asks

"I'm driving to Chicago today"

"Why?" Aubrey Says confused

"My dad starting drinking again and he kicked me out, I have a cousin a year older than me who has a place out there. He said I could share with him. Do you wanna come?" Tj says leaning onto the front of his truck .

" Wait? What? No I can't. Why?" Aubrey's say

"Because I need you, you make better decisions then I do and you'll help me. I'm leaving at 11pm so I can wait for you to pack your bags" he says

"No Tj, I can't. I couldn't leave my father like that" Aubrey says while walking away

"What if I ask your dad first?" he says

"no Tj, I'm not leaving with you. Have fun and be safe" she says as she continues to walk away.

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