Chapter [2]

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{Chapter 2}

"I hate Kylie! What the heck was her problem? Why'd she have to act like such AGH!" Audrey says as she throws down her dresser. "Hey, everything alright up there" Her dad yells out. Audrey changes out of her wet clothes and runs down stairs to tell her dad she's going on a bike ride. While Audrey rides her bike she stopped at a nearby park that was empty. In the distance she could she a couple just laying down looking up at the sky "I wish I had someone to lay down with me and look up at the sky" she whispers to herself as she closes her eyes. "Hey!" A boy yells "could you move we are trying to play soccer here" He says "oh yeah sorry I'll just go" Aubrey says. She gets up and moves to a bench at the park and thinks to herself.

Aubrey's Thoughts

I actually did have a good day besides having root beer poured over me. I got to hang out with an old friend and it was like old times again. Too bad Tj has to go back to campus on Monday because I wouldn't mind the company. I wonder if I rode my bike over to his dad's house, he'll still be there.

Aubrey then gets onto her bike and rides away from the park heading to Finns house. When she arrives she knocks on the door. "Hey Finn it's ah me Aubrey, I'm just wondering if Tj is home" She yells "He went out Aubrey try tomorrow" Finn replies "oh okay" she whispers to herself. "Maybe it was a bad idea to ride over to his house at this time anyways" she says as she starts to ride her bike back home.

At home Aubrey went straight up stairs to her room and onto her laptop. She decided to log onto her facebook for the first time in years. "Just as I expected everyone unfriended me" she says quietly. "Whatever screw them I don't need internet friends anyways" she says. "Aubrey it's getting late, I'm going to go buy some pizza do you want some?" her dad yells out "no thanks dad I don't feel like breaking out tomorrow morning" she replies. After Aubrey's dad had left she got up and walked into his room. She looked around in her dad's drawers, she was trying to look for some money "I wonder where my dad even keeps his change" she says. While Aubrey was looking under her dad's bed she found a box. She pulled it out to find a bunch of old pictures of her mom and dad. While Aubrey was looking though the photos she started to shed some tears "I do care about you mom and I want you to come home" she whispers "Aubrey!" a male voice calls out from downstairs. Aubrey quickly shoves the box under the bed taking the picture of her mother with her. "ah who is it?" she yells out looking out the window "it's Tj, I heard you went over by my dad's house" he says "oh yeah I did" she says running down stairs. "okay look Tj my dad isn't home right now so I'll have to sneak you in" Aubrey says as they sneak up stairs."Hey so Aubrey, theres this BBQ tonight in town and I wanted to know if you'll like to go with me aha" Tj says with a shy smile "I think I've been outside enough today" she says "If this about that little incident in the washroom don't worry, I'll be there for you the whole time" he says. "Aubrey I'm home, would you like some pepperoni pizza before I eat it all" Aubrey's dad yells out.

"Oh damn it , I forgot my dad was coming back aha" Aubrey says "do you want me to leave?"Tj asks "no no if you go downstairs you'll get caught by my bad and besides you only just got here" she's says while getting up from her bed and going out into the hall way "dad if you could just save two slices that would be great" she yells out "alright kiddo" her dad replies as he turns on the tv to watch some sports. "Okay so where were we" Aubrey says walking into her bedroom "oh I was just asking if you wanted to go to that BBQ remember?" He says laughing "oh will I get out the house though" she replies "um well how about I sneak out down stairs though your bathroom window while you distract your dad , ask him if your allowed to spend a night at a friends" Tj explains "ohh okay but one problem, I don't have any friends remember" Aubrey says looking at Tj "right, well you could always just lie" he says while walking down stairs.

Aubrey's Thoughts

Lie, lie about what. I have no friends and my dad knows it. If I even say I'm spending the night with Tj he'll freak out. I'm not making the right choice but I feel like Tj really changed and he's trying to become my Friend again. I really enjoy it, he's a really sweet guy. Since he's 18 he could take me out to a lot of places my dad would never take me to, I think I'm starting to trust him.

Aubrey starts to walk down stairs Into the living room "ah dad?" She calls out while walking near the couch "oh wow Tj my dad's sleeping" she whispers out "I guess sneaking out to this BBQ would be easier than I thought" she says as she walks into the bathroom to find out that Tj already left.

"Hey Tj where'd you go?"she called out though the window "I'm right here he says while he tapped her on the back holding one pizza slice "OMG you scared me" she yelled out "shh you'll wake up your dad" he says while covering her mouth. "Anyways let's start going it's already 9:40pm" Tj says while they start walking out the front door.

"Are we walking?" Aubrey says looking confused to him "oh no I brought my dad's truck it's parked at the side" he says "oh that's smart" Aubrey says while walking to the side if her house "okay well jump in little one" Tj says joking around "how long is the drive?" Aubrey asks "ahh maybe about half an hour I didn't really check" he replies.

"Can we at least turn on some music?" She says "oh yeah sure" Tj says while reaching to turn on the radio.

When Tj and Aubrey arrive to the BBQ there was such a long line up. "Hey Aubrey do you wanna go find us a seat?" He asks her "I'll just wait in line" he adds "oh alright sure" Aubrey says while walking over near some benches.

"Hey Aubrey where'd you go?" Tj yells out "I'm over here bird brain" Aubrey yells out waving her hands. Tj walks up to Aubrey handing her a burger and some fries " For you, I'll be just back I'm gonna go buy a couple beers you want anything to drink?"Tj says " No it's alright" she says

"Alright I'm back, I bought about five aha" Tj says "are you sure you should be drinking?" She asks "ya it's fine" he says while he swallows down some Heineken.

"You think you should slow down aha?" Aubrey says looking worried "no I'm fine" Tj says while he starts to drink some more beer. "I'll be back I just need to use the washroom,just stay there" he says walking off

Suddenly Tj starts running back to Aubrey, he grabs her left arm tightly and tells her "Aubrey we have to leave quickly follow me" "ah where are we going what's wrong?" She says looking surprised "There was some fight and I don't want you to get hurt" he says while he grabs his beers and heads to the car. "Hurry put on your seat belt" he says as he starts the car and backs out. "Sh*t" he says "I hit that guys car,oh well" he adds while he starts driving. After a while Aubrey starts to realize that Tj is heading the wrong way "where are you taking me Tj?" She asks "Home! I'm taking you home" he replies " I don't live down here Tj" she says "oh right sorry I forgot" he replies while he drives onto a parking lot. "Why are we stopping?" She asks "are you drunk?" She adds "no what are you talking about" Tj says while he locks the doors. "Um Tj I think I want to go home now" she says "just Shut up okay, look I took you out tonight cause I just wanted to get closer to you again" he says "okay..." She replies moving closer to the door "anyways Aubrey I brought you here tonight cause I wanted to tell you something" he says "ah what?" She asks "Aubrey I wanted to tell you that, I still" he says while Aubrey cuts him off "look Tj I know where you are going with this and you better stop and let me out of the car" Aubrey yells out "listen! I'm not letting you out of this car until I'm done with you" Tj yells out as he slaps Aubrey across the face.

"Tj let me out right now!" She yells out trying to unlock the door. "It's gonna be alright, your with me I'll protect you" he says with a smirk and leans into kiss her "leave me alone" Aubrey says as she climbs Into the back and opens the back door.

"Where are you going!?" Tj asks

"Your'e Drunk Tj go home" Aubrey yells as she runs off.

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