Chapter [3]

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{ Chapter 3 }

"Agh" Aubrey says as she struggles to open the front door to her house. She walks in to find that her dad isn't sleeping on the couch anymore, so Audrey walks up stairs and opens her bed room door "dad"she says "you scared me" she adds "where have you been!" Her dad says with anger "oh well I've been out but I need to tell you" she says before her dad cuts her off "need to tell me what! Audrey go to your fu*cking room you really scared me!" Her dad says as he walks out slamming the door. "You could at least asks if I was okay dad!" She yells out "I could really care less right now" he replies.

Aubrey's thoughts

It's not fair "agh!" Does he not know what I've been though. I had a horrible night and I could of been raped by Tj in his car, not like my dad would even care. Doesn't matter anyways I'll rather not tell him, he won't believe me if I told him a second time. I guess the best thing for me to do at this time is to just rest. I should just sleep it off.

When Aubrey wakes up she gets up and walks over to her desk. "Oh darn I forgot I had my history report due tomorrow" she says "oh no where did I put my laptop, I swear I left it on my desk last night. Dad have you seen my laptop" she yells "oh yeah I took it, and your not getting it back" her dad replies "what! But dad I need it for my report" she says "well should of finished your report before you ran off" her dad says while he unlocks the front door and leaves.

"Guess I'll just have to write it by hand and research on books" she says

*bing* Audrey gets an unknown text message from her phone

~ Look Aubrey is there somewhere we could talk, I'm so sorry about last night, I just want to talk about it - Tj ~

"Agh why can't he just leave me alone" she says while she troughs her phone onto her bed.

*bing Aubrey's phone goes off again

"Ahh just shut up" she says while putting her phone on mute.

I better finish this report before tomorrow" she says "I just wish I could go outside, I mean my dad's not home and fresh air helps me out" she adds.

Audrey walks down the stairs and as she is just about to open the front door she heard a noise at the back door. "Dad?" She says while she walks towards the door "it's me Tj, I brought you something" he says "go away" Aubrey says as she starts to walk up the stairs again "no wait Aubrey I need to tell you something" Tj says

"Leave Tj I'm tired of your stupid drunk games, Go hang out with your girlfriend" Aubrey says as she sits on the stairs. "We broke up okay, well I broke up with her" he replies "why..." Aubrey says "not that I care" she adds

"Well because I didn't like her... I like you Aubrey" he says leaning against the back door "so could you please let me in now" he adds "no Tj, leave I'm not following for it" She says while she walks up the stairs.

"Aubrey let me in" Tj yells

"Leave Tj my dad will be here any minute" she yells

"Gosh he's so annoying" Audrey whispers to her self

"Alright let's see what I need to research for this report" she says to herself while she reaches for her phone. She reads the text messages Tj sent ~ Hey I understand that you are upset but you have no one else to talk to , so why don't we just talk about it after school tomorrow ~

Audrey reads it shocked and replies ~ No Tj, and don't you have to go back to your campus~

She goes Into her backpack to look for her history book *bing her phone goes off . "Ah just let me just read this really Quick" she says to herself while reading her notes. ~I lied about going to university- Tj~ She reads from Tj

Audrey just puts her phone down and starts to review her history."what a loser" Aubrey whispers to herself

After a while Audrey starts to hear the front door unlock "Aubrey it's your father, are you home?" Her dad calls out "yes dad trying to do my homework" she replies as she walks down stairs "dad do you think you could take me to the library?" Aubrey asks while looking confused "oh Aubrey I was going to introduce you to Emma" her dad says "ah hii, who are you?" Aubrey asks "oh well your dad treated me out for lunch last Thursday and I wanted to repay him aha" Emma says with a big smile "yup , isn't she just a sweetie" Aubrey's dad says.

Aubrey's thoughts

Yeah well she does seen nice but does my dad think I'm stupid , I've realized that he's been going out every night and coming home with not full meals but left overs. I don't mind if they're dating cause I wouldn't mind a mother, I'm just afraid if she knows what she's getting into. I wish I could tell her about our family but I don't want to scare her off. She seems like a nice girl and she probably thinks that my dad is always nice.

"Your dad told me lots about you" Emma says while looking at Aubrey's dad smiling "oh really" Aubrey says "did you tell Emma about Mom and Aden as well" Aubrey adds while her dad grabs her arm and pulls her to aside "Aubrey you shut your mouth, we discussed this. We aren't talking about your mom and Aden in this house again alright" her dad whispers to her, while he let's go of her arm.

"Oh who's Aden?" Emma asks "My Brother" Audrey says as she walks up the stairs crying.

"Will she be okay?"Emma whispers to Aubrey's dad "ya she'll be fine don't worry about it, do you want a drink?" Her dad asks.

Audrey's Thoughts

Why does my dad always have to bring up me in his conversations with new girls, did he forget he also had a son. It's dad's fault he left , why doesn't he tell anyone that story huh. I miss hanging out with Aden why'd dad have to keep pressuring him. He was in 12th grade ,it's hard enough why'd he keep pushing him into doing better.

Audrey walks into her room and opens up her closet. She searches though some old clothes to find her secret hole she carved into the wall. She pulled out a little locket and opened it up to see a family picture of 4, her dad, mom , brother and her self "what happened to us" she says

Suddenly Aubrey's phone starts to ring

"Ah hello?" She says while she answers "Aubrey?" A woman says on the phone "ah yes hello?" Aubrey says

"Darling it's your mother, how are you I've been dying to talk to you all day, how are you?" She says "look mom this isn't a good time to talk, you aren't allowed to talk me either, how'd your get my number?" Aubrey asked "don't worry about it, I just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you very much" her mom says " okay mom" Aubrey says as she hang up the phone.

"I should really finish off on my report for tomorrow" Aubrey says to herself as she try's to finish off the last part.

"Aubrey, hey it's me Emma I just wanted to say bye alright, nice meeting you" she says talking to the door "yeah nice meeting you to" Aubrey says as she walks out into the hall way to brush her teeth and then get all ready for bed.

Audrey's thoughts

I really hope that tomorrow at school won't be bad, I mean I know I have no one to talk to but I could always try. I'm just afraid of seeing Tj tomorrow,hope we forgets and doesn't show up. That'll be good.

She says as she turns off the light and heads onto her phone,while she slowly falls asleep.

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