"What do we do if we somehow manage to beat the game?" Joseph scoffed at him.

"As if you're going to beat the 20/20/20/20 (or 4/20, wink wonk) mode." Seb raised an eyebrow.

"Wow you're hopeless, 20/20/20/20 mode is the hardest mode in the game, but if by some miracle you manage to beat, well, just buy the second game and we'll play that." 


"I do stupid things when I'm bored, now Shut up and play," Joseph said, sounding almost proud.

Joseph's face lit up as he watched Seb start the game.

Night 1

"Okay so what do I do?"

"Just listen to the game." Joseph said sternly.

"Okay okay."

The first night went by smoothly without any screams or anything bad/scary happening.

Night 2

"So now what? Anything new about this night?" Seb asked turning out the voice coming from the game.

"I think? I think Foxy starts moving on this." Seb groaned.

"Then let me take care of this." Joseph said pushing Seb out of the chair and grabbing the mouse.

The second night passed like this first, no jumpscares.

Night 3

"Okay so, I don't think there's anything new on this night."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Seb?" Joseph asked smirking, after a minute had passed, it was now 3:00 am in the game.

"What?" He said narrowing his eyes at the screen.

"I wouldn't put the camera down." He said grinning like a cool

"Why? It's not like I'm going to- SHIT!" He roared falling backwards almost knocking the chair, Joseph caught him biting his lips to stifle his laughter.

He helped Seb sit up and burst into laughter doubling over and falling to his knees, tears stinging his eyes as he laughed, Seb pouted and slapped him on the nape of his neck causing him to bark out laughing.

"You asshole!" He cried pointing at the screen and then at Joseph who was still laughing, and wiping tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry but I knew you'd react like that, and..." He paused laughing even louder but than he thought possible, at this point he was howling with laughter.

"That was so funny!" He finished sitting down at the desk and restarting the night finishing it in no time, Seb pouted and plopped himself on the chair beside the desk.

"Well night four is when Freddy gets up and going and if you get scared again, in sure you'll kill, and I'm quite fond of myself, so I'm going to play this night." Joseph said pushing Seb he gently on the shoulder.


Night 4

Joseph made it to 5:00 am before anything happened, and it was Seb that first noticed it.

"Oh shit you're screwed." Seb snickered.


"The poster is different." He said pointing at the screen, Joseph noticed and whimpered putting the camera down and closing his eyes.

Sure enough, he was dead, as a golden version of the Freddy jumped out and killed the  player, Joseph cursed loudly as he heard Sebastian snicker behind him and restarted the night and finished so quickly it was insane.

"Boom." He said pushing the chair back with his feet, which caused it to fall backwards with a loud "thump" Seb crossed his arms and shook his head smiling.

"Get up, we're not done yet, you still have to night 5, I'm pretty sure there's a night six and there's the 20/20/20/20 mode."

"Go give it a shot." Joseph answered him.

"Fine, but get up, I need that chair."

Joseph got up with a grumble and Seb sat down in front of the screen and somehow made it last night five and six, which pissed Joseph off but he suddenly stood up and flopped over onto the couch.

"Oy, we're not done."

"It's five am and I want to go to bed, now get over here." He said, Joseph obliged with a grumble and curled up against the older man.

"We continue tomorrow."

"Okay goodnight." He said leaning his head back.



Story word count: 1244

This is so long overdue I'm so sorry.
This is a request for BenedictBanca and I hope you like it and sorry of its not exactly what you wanted :/

If any of you guys have a request please just ask, just nothing dirty, cause I can't write stuff like that, I'm just no good at it.

Thank you guys again for 1K reads.
Welp peace out for now.
(I started this before I reached 1K which is why it's before that A/N)


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