
446 20 13

Get ready for more sad shit, I'll make it up to you guys, promise.


"Hey, I'm back.'"

No response.

"I bought you something."

Still nothing.

"It's lonely." He said dropping the roses.

"And...I hate having no one to talk to." He said sitting down and leaning against the back of the cool stone, he shivered and leaned his head back.

"Sorry, it's been so long since I've come to visit." He said looking at his hand.

"Boy, I have so many stories to tell you, you wouldn't believe it, Kidman finally started dating someone."

A bird cawed somewhere.

"Yeah, it is nice."

Joseph looked up and suddenly felt a drop of water splash on his forehead, he grabbed his umbrella, thankful he had bought it and opened it covering himself and the stone behind him, he looked around scanning the area, the whole place seemed to give off a glum feeling, and rain didn't help, he gave a sigh and looked back down at his hand examining the ring on his ring finger.

"Do you regret ever telling me you loved me?" He pondered only to be met with silence, his words hung in the air for a long time before he shuddered.

"Do you regret meeting me?"

A group of birds took flight somewhere causing a flutter of movement from seemingly everywhere, he raised an eyebrow glancing sideways at the trees surrounding the area.

Still, there was no answer.

"I want to join you, but I...I can't bring myself to, that would be too much."

"It's stupid I know, know me, I'd do anything to see you again, even kill, like you did." He chuckled.

"What do I have to do to see you again?" He said covering his mouth to stifle a sob.

Nothing, not even a whisper.

"You're a bastard." He hissed standing up and looking down at the grave.

"I'll see you again, later maybe."

With a sigh he turned around and headed towards his car when suddenly he stopped, having heard something, a voice, he turned around and looked around, he scanned the edges of the tree's, he rolled his eyes and turned back around and continued walking.

"I love you." He mumbled reaching the gate.

"Joseph?" He froze dropping the umbrella.

"Love you too."

Joseb One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now