Some fluff because I been writing too much sad shit

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"Jojo it's late, please SHUT UP." I yawned sprawled on the couch.

"I didn't even say anything." He said with a yawn louder than mine, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I was talking about the damn keyboard idiot, what in the fuck are you typing?"

The typing stopped followed by a quiet "language" I rolled my eyes.

"Jojo? What are you typing?"

"Nothing." He said defensively without turning around, I raised an eyebrow giving him a half smile, aware he hadn't seen it.

"Are you writing a.... Story?" I said with a grin, he froze.

"N...No." I sat up with a grunt and Joseph looked away embarrassed closing the tab because I could see it.

"What was that?" I purred leaning on the back of his chair.

"It's was nothing, nothing you would care about." He mumbled covering his face with his hands.

"You ARE writing a story!" I cried laughing, his face turned beet red.

"S... Shut up." He said quielty, I kissed his cheek, he sighed.

"What's the story about?"

"It's a....ghost story." He admitted.

"Interesting, what's the plot?"

"I don't want to spoil out for you, sorry." He teased, I frowned and rolled my eyes.

"You're no fun." I said with a sigh, he chuckled getting up.

"Honselty Seb, you are so boring."

"Me boring? HA!" I cried taking his hand and quickly kissing him before pulling him towards the couch.

"Hey!" He giggled falling on top of me, his hands on either side of my face his forehead inches from mine.

"Oh hello~" I purred poking his nose.

"No." He said.

"No what?" I asked.

"I'm not in the mood for that." He said stubbornly, I frowned.


"Maybe later if you're lucky okay babe?" He said gently kissing me on the nose and grinning like an huge idiot.

"Fine." I said with a pout.

"You are such a child." He said as I propped myself up against the arm rest.

"I am not!" I cried defensively before covering my mouth and sighing.

"Then stop acting like a child." He snorted curling up against me.

"Whatever." He snorted again and I smiled.

"You're a huge dork."

"But I'm YOUR dork." He said with a smug grin.


"And you love me."

"You don't say?" I purred twirling a piece of his hair, he pushed my hand away and closed his eyes.


"I wouldn't be if you have had let me write."

"You're not aloud to play the victim here, you are there one awake at 12:50 at night."

"You're still awake."

"Only because of your damn typing!" I cried causing him to giggle.

"Then consider yourself lucky you weren't my roommate in college."

"I can only imagine how much of a fool you were." I teased.

"Shut up."

"Make m-phh!"

Joseph quickly cut me off with a kiss, quickly placing his lips against mine, I chuckled and kissed back as he relaxed against me and gave a groan.

He gave a muffled moan as I snaked my hands towards his hips and hooked my thumb on the waist line of his pants, he growled and pulled away.

"I though you weren't in the mood?"

"I'm not, anthing to shut you up." He said with a smirk.

"Asshole." I pouted.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Already have." I snorted.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do idiot." He chuckled and closed his eyes and quickly falling asleep.

No one's dead or blind happy now.
Ugh my tooth hurts and causing my mouth a lot of pain but enjoy our whatever I'm gonna go sulk in pain in a corner.


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