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The new rookie was.....something to put it nicely.

And she was pissing me off.

Hello, honey~" She cooed walking circles around his chair, I raised an eyebrow at her although she didn't seem to notice, her eyes were glued to Sebastian.

He didn't even look up from his computer, he did roll his eyes though.

"Can't you see me, honey?" She purred playing with a strand of his hair, he gave her an annoyed look but stayed quiet, I turned my gaze away from them and back to my computer screen.

"Seb, show me everthing~" She purred again, I gagged and looked down, fighting the urge to throw up.

I hissed and stood up quickly, ignoring the girl's catcalling and walked over to the door.

"Joseph?" Seb asked suddenly, I turned around to face him and had to force myself not to smile seeing her shocked and angry expression.

Seb, on the other hand, gave me a concerned look.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Where are going?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes, I sighed, looking at him and forcing a quick smile.

"Outside, just getting a breath of fresh air, I...I don't feel all that well," I lied, it wasn't completely false, just looking at the woman calling his name like that made me feel sick, she was a rookie too, disgusting.

"I'm fine," I said quickly rushing outside.

I looked around and flopped down onto a bench not far from the back of the office, in a little secluded garden which was half hidden, I picked up a rock and tossed it away with a grunt and watched as it fell into puddle and caused a small wave, I heard footsteps behind me and I sighed standing up and turning to face him.

"Joseph..I.." He started.

"No, its fine really." I spat.

"Clearly it's not." He said gently gripping my arm.

"No, really I'm FINE." I hissed pulling away from him, just for him to grab my arm and pull me into me into his arms, I stood there dazed for a few moments before smiling and looking at him.

"Your silly attempts to woo me into forgetting about that whole situation is in vain Seb, it's disgusting to see her talk to you and call your name like that, it makes me want to throw up, she has no reason to talk to you like that," I growled, he raised an eyebrow letting me go.

"Look I'm sorry, must I give you a long and heart wrenching speech about how much I love you and that....that..woman is an idiot for even trying whatever she's trying to make me do?" He teased, this time I raised my eyebrow and gave an amused half smile.

"I'd be lying if I said no to that," I said softly he rolled his eyes.

"Hmm, what a bother, how about I just do this instead?" He said before grabbing my arm again, pulling into an embrace and roughly pressing his lips against mine, I chuckled kissing back and wrapped my arms around his waist, he made a satisfied noise and pulled away.

"I'll take that over a speech any day," I said kissing his cheek.

"Thought so."

"Come on we have to get back to work or chief will have our heads," I stated looking down at my watch, he did the same and nodded.

We made our way back to the entrance and slowly back to our desks, the woman, who hadn't even bothered to introduce herself before trying to.....seduce him?

She noticed us as we entered the room and quickly she made her way over to us, she immediately stalked her way towards Seb completely ignoring me and looking up at him.

"Where'd you disa-"

"Fuck off." He spat at her flipping her off, she took a step back surprised and glared at him.

"P...pardon me?" She hissed in disbelief.

"I said." He took a step towards her and roughly grabbed her hand, she whimpered and narrowed her eyes.

"" He growled, she growled.

"Leave us alone, we have a higher position than you, you're still a rookie, we could get you fired for sexual assault, now stay out of our way." I hissed pushing past her grabbing Sebastian's hand and pulling him along towards our desks, she stared there with her hands on her hips glaring at us.

"You wouldn't and I didn't assault him."

"You're pressing yourself against him and catcalling, Fucking try me." I hissed, she growled and stomped out of the office and Seb gave me a bemused look, but he still seemed proud.

"Since when do you swear?"

"More than you think, now, we really need to get back to work."

"Yeah I guess, let's get back to it."

"Hey, Jojo?"


"Don't go getting jealous on me, you know I love you." He said, I blushed and gave him a warm smile.

"I'll try my best."

He gently kissed my cheek with a chuckle and returned to his desk giving me a quick smile and returning to work


I actually gagged writting that woman's dialogue, i'm disgusted and im sorry, so very sorry, i'm hoping that i don't have to wrote any more of that.

I'm so sorry


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