Chapter 2

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Ariel's POV

I sighed as I entered my History class with Miss Bowes. Weird name, right?

She is the strictest teacher I have ever had. I am five minutes late and she glares at me with that familiar look in her eyes.

I simply just smirked at her. I love seeing her blow up.

The whole class was watching.

"Miss Jackson, why are you late?" her voice boomed.

I chuckled softly," I had something to do"

I headed to go and sit in my seat when she grabbed my elbow.

"Detention after school" she said emotionlessly.

My eyes moved from her eyes to her hand on my arm,"Is that all? "

She let go of my arm slowly,"Before you leave for your next class, come for the slip"

She said before continuing on with her lecture. I rolled my eyes before sitting in my seat.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Justin King look over at me. Feeling rebellious, I turned and winked at him and he smirked at me. I felt a small blush rise to my cheeks and I immediately turned around, giving my attention to Miss Bowes.

If you wanna know who Justin King is then listen carefully. From what I've seen and heard in my very short time here is that he's the bad boy of Everton High. He smokes, gets drunk, gets arrested and the list goes on.

I caught him smoking once with his friends around the school entrance.

As you probably would have guessed, he has all the girls in this school at his mercy. With his drop dead gorgeous looks, I do not blame them.

He has brown curly hair and a lovely pair of bluish-grey eyes. Not to mention, he has a very sharp jawline and a dazzling smile. He has a twin sister, Gemma King, who has brown shoulder length hair and chocolate brown eyes. They are in a small group with Carter Blackstone, Jake White and Ashley Sullivan, also well known in this school.

"Miss Jackson, can you please share with us what you're thinking? " Miss Bowes slammed her hands on my desk." Surely it must be more important than my class"

I sighed in irritation as the whole class turned back to us. Does she have a problem with me or something? Why is she calling my name when there are other students who have done worse in her class?

Suddenly an idea formed in my head.

"Okay then, Miss Bowes, I'll be honest" I smiled." I was just wondering why you're always in a crappy mood. Is it because your underpaid or maybe you just can't find a man?"

I placed my hand on my chin, pretending to think hard. The class had erupted into loud laughter as she turned red.

"Young Lady-"

"Oh, I know" I taunted." Is it because you haven't gotten some, Miss Bowes? Is that it? You haven't gotten a good-"

"Young lady, ENOUGH" she shouted." You have no right to know about my life and no right to talk to me like that. Now, I'm gonna give you a minute to apologize"

"Excuse me? You were the one who wanted to know what I was thinking" I argued." I just told the truth. Can you get me in trouble for telling the truth?"

I cocked my head to the side as I dared her to say something.

"Principal's office NOW"

"Oh well, I guess I'll never know" I shrugged, standing up to grab my bag and walked out of there.

Dang it, Ariel, so much for the plan of laying low.

"Miss Jackson, you've only been here two weeks and you're causing trouble" the 'principal' greeted me.

"Oh, cut the crap, Harry" I growled, taking a stand in front of his desk.

He finally lost the facade, his true colors coming out as he gave me a smirk. He stood up from his desk, advancing towards me with a devilish look.

"I guess, Robbie, hasn't straightened you out yet"

I don't know much about Robbie but what I do know is that he has friends in high places. He's connected to the police force, rich people and every other snobby brat out there. I know that he runs an illegal business but he has friends everywhere that cover his tracks and listen to whatever he says.

That's why he's so smug whenever he looks at me. Touches me whenever he wants and violates me. He knows I can't and won't go to the police because let's face it he has friends all over the place. Plus, I don't want to get in trouble with my deadbeat mom.

"Robbie might have power over my mom but that doesn't mean I'm gonna immediately become his play toy" I snapped loudly.

"You better watch your tone, girl" he backs me up against the wall." Or else next time I won't hold back"

"Let's face it, Harry" I mocked him." You can't touch a single hair on my head"

"And why's that" he gritted out.

"Because Robbie will kill you" I smirked and he sneered at me as I flipped him the finger.

"What did you do now?" he questioned lowly.

"I got in trouble with a teacher" I shrugged.

"You need to cool it down or else I won't be able to persuade your teachers next time"

"I didn't ask you to take care of things for me. Do you really think I'm gonna thank you with open arms? " I scoffed.

"Robbie told me about what you did to him this morning" Harry backed away from me with a smug smile on his face." You're gonna get it later. He says he wants you to go home immediately after school"

"Well then, tell Robbie" I leaned towards his face."He is not my goddamn father"

I was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist in his grip. My breath hitched as his face inched closer to mine.

Our lips were just centimetres away before I turned my head away from him. He released a hum of disapproval.

"You know you are so hard to crack but Robbie doesn't give up that easily" he grinned." In a few months, give or take, you are gonna be different and I can't wait for that day to come"

He grabbed my chin forcefully and I flinched as pain shot up my jaw. He leaned closer to my ear, whispering lowly.

"I anticipate that day because that day you'll be mine"

I stiffened. He moved away from me, smirking smugly. He went to sit back at the principal desk like normal.

"Run along to lunch now" he ordered. I inhaled deeply, moving towards the door to exit.

"Oh and Ariel" I stopped by the door, gripping the handle tightly in my hand as he called me back.

"Yes" I gritted out, glaring at the award case outside of his office.

"Remember to meet him" he called in a mocking tone. "Wouldn't want to anger him now, would you?"

I stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind me as I went.

I walked down the hall, heading towards the cafeteria because it was lunch time. As I opened the door, the conversations dying down as everyone turned to look at me.

The cafeteria grew quiet and I rolled my eyes, walking towards the lunch lady for some food.

"A large pizza with fries and a soda please" I stated quietly and she nodded. As she gave me the tray of food , I paid her and then headed for an empty table.

Before I could even sit at the table, someone blocked my path.

I looked up to see Gemma King, Justin's sister, grinning at me. I gave her a small smile of confusion.

"Hi" she chirped.

"Hi? " I replied but it came out more like a question and I was left wondering, why the hell is she talking to me?

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