Chapter 14

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Harry's staring out his window that following Monday, knowing that he has rehearsal, knowing that Louis is coming to the play... and knowing he will most likely be accompanying Louis to his father's home for dinner sometime this week.

Louis has already mentioned it to Harry once, but Harry hasn't thought twice about it until now. He obviously has known it would come up again, so he wasn't surprised when Louis mentioned it.

He doesn't do much during the day now; he sits and writes on the window sill, wondering what Louis is doing... where he is. He wonders what Alice is saying to him. He wonders if she's kissing him or touching him.

Every day she's in New York feels like a lifetime to Harry at the moment. He can't even sleep anymore... yet, he wonders if he should even mention how he feels to Louis.

He drops his paper and sighs, trying to free his thoughts. He's still got an hour before he's to be at rehearsal for the play that night. He looks around the empty room, feeling the quietness, and it overwhelms him.

He hates it; he hates that Louis isn't sitting on his bed chatting with him, taking the piss out of him, or even kissing him.

He makes the best of the situation though, and smokes a joint before turning on music and going to shower.

His mind doesn't drift from Louis, however; he can't stop thinking about him.

He's dressed and fixing his hair when his front door opens and Ben is coming in.

"Ready?" He asks.

"I am," Harry replies quietly and puts on his coat.

"Hey, you're going to do amazing," Ben tries to encourage him, rubbing his shoulders gently.

Harry nods and quickly walks away, gathering up his bag before walking to the door.

He locks it up and they head downstairs to Ben's car.

Harry stays quiet for most of the drive; Ben goes on about different things with him.

"... He knew you came here with me," Ben finally gets Harry's attention with that statement.

"What?" Harry looks back at Ben, wondering if it was his intent to get his attention.

"You told Louis you came here with me," Ben says again, "so, he knows how old you are."

"Yeah," Harry responds, "well, I didn't see why he shouldn't know."

"Why's that?" Ben asks, "cause you like him. And you didn't want to admit that to me."

"You kinda already knew," Harry is saying casually. "Didn't matter if I said yes."

"I was right," Ben nods, "I did know, yeah. I saw it."

Harry looks out the window and bites his lip, staying quiet now while he's hitting his cigarette.

"What about his fiancée?" Ben asks.

Harry wants to get angry, but he contains himself. "She's here for a little longer, then she's leaving."

"For how long, Harry?" Ben asks softly, "what? 2-3 months and she's back, living here, and then marrying him..."

"How did you know that?" Harry asks quickly.

"Come on... people talk," Ben sighs and shakes his head, "you think that a lot of people don't know his father?"

Harry sits back and stares at the road, "I don't know what happens."

"Will he still want to see you?" Ben decides to ask.

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