Chapter 2: He's the New Guy

Start from the beginning

"Um I don't think I need time, I'll choose Phys. Ed." I answered and she smiled as if she knew what my answer was gonna be too. I was glad I got gym class, I'm pretty good at sports so I didn't mind and I like the fact that I wasn't going to be sitting in a hot, dry classroom. The guidance counsellor moved her mouse to click a few things on the screen and printed out my new schedule. I said thank you as I walked out the door and she said the usual.

"If you need anything else just stop by my office" she informed me which then I replied with a polite nod and genuine smile. I got back in the hall, thankfully I didn't run into anymore assholes on my way back to bio. By the time I got there, there was only 8 minutes left and Matthews didn't feel like teaching anything so he said we could talk to each other for the rest of the class, at least that's was Kat and Jordan said.

Shortly I found myself in physics with Macy and Alivia. I sat by them and on my other side was my best friend Frank. We all called him Frankie though for a more feminine touch since he was gay, he had dark chocolate skin and always died his short messy hair. Recently it's been platinum blonde. On Frankie's other side was his boyfriend, Teddy. They are the cutest gay couple I know, well the only couple I know, but whatever, they almost made me believe that high school relationships could work. Teddy was really cute, probably because he had a baby face. He had blonde hair and big, blue eyes, and freckles that lightly covered his nose and and cheeks. Mrs. Williams taught the physics class. I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked in because I never had her before or ever taken physics. I actually kinda liked it and Williams wasn't too bad either, but I'll spare you the boring details of what we did in class.

As soon as physics ended, Macy, Alivia, Frankie, Teddy, and I walked down to the cafeteria during break to eat. I don't usually eat until lunch, but I go down with them anyway. They have pretty interesting stories that I usually think are hilarious.

"So then the whole class has got to period one right? And so the teacher was talking about some fucking formula of some useless fucking thing that no one will ever need to know in their entire fucking life" I bet you know who's telling this, it's 'fucking' Macy. "Then Brady outta nowhere just rips one and the whole class was laughing while the classroom started to smell like shit, cause ya know, he just farted, and then the teacher just turns around and she just stares at him and you know what she does next, omg this is the best part, ok, so these were her exact words: 'now class, listen real quick, I'm gonna spit you a verse that's real sick, Brady your poor pants don't deserve to eat your shit, get the hell outta my classroom, and do your business in the bathroom' and then she dropped the white board marker straight out in front of her like a mic drop" everyone was laughing at Macy's story from math class, including me.

"I wish I could've been there" I added.

"I know right!" Macy voiced enthusiastically, then Frankie and Alivia laughed even harder, if that was even possible. By now we were sitting in our school's cafeteria talking and all of a sudden all my friends got quiet so I looked up from my phone noticing that they were all staring at me, so I sat up straight with a questioning look. "Ummm, is everyone okay, why are you all staring at me, do I have something on my face?" they all giggled at my question like I was stupid or something. They all smiled at each other and then looked back at me with even bigger smiles.

"Uhhhhh who's is that? Alivia inquired while staring at me with raised eyebrows.

"Who's who? I don't know what you're talking about?" I honestly didn't understand what or I guess who they were so hung up on.

"Um I don't know, maybe the hottest guy I've ever seen looking at you like he wants to have you to eat like the snack you are, no offence Frankie" Teddy shot back. "He's at our 2 o'clock." Curiously I looked over my left shoulder and then our eyes met. OH MY GOD! It was the hot guy I ran into earlier in the hallway and he'd already found a group of friends that suit him well. He was sitting with Nate and all of his friends, I'm not surprised, they were all so god like, yet the biggest man whores ever. He was still looking at me and smirking so I rolled my eyes and turned back to my friends.

"Oh. He's the new guy. He's just some dick head I met earlier in the hall, he's full of himself, but it seems like he's made the perfect group of friends already" I explained with a disgusted look on my face. "He's all yeah I'm so cool, look at me, I'm tough, all mr. Bad boy, with my leather jacket and shit, I mean yeah he gives off that vibe and all and yeah, he should be on the cover of 'World's Sexiest Man Alive' but he's not even worth talking to, so guys don't even think about it, I don't want any of you trying to hook me up with him okay?" I made sure my point was clear to the group.

"Stel, it's not like all guys are total dicks, I get the whole Nate thing sucked, but you should get out there again, take risks, that's how you find love" Macy encouraged.

"No that's how you find man whores and assholes, I'd rather be single than heart broken and crying over the same guy every night like some naive girl who didn't know any better. I know better. I'm not going to put myself out there, especially when it involves that asshat over there" they all let out sighs after my rant and then the bell rang, signalling the students to get to third period.

"Stel, you have gym class next right? Cause I have that next too." I heard Frankie ask behind me.

"Yeah I do, I already have my stuff with me so I'm heading straight to the gym, if you wanna come with me?" He gave me a brief nod, so we both walked together to the gym. I was really excited since I haven't been in a gym class in about two years. Frankie and I made our way into the gym and on the left, as soon as you walk in, are the locker rooms, so I headed into the girl's room, while Frankie headed into the guy's. I put on the nike shorts, adidas sports bra, and tank top I had in my book bag, just incase I got gym class as my third period. My shorts were a little short, not gonna lie, but it's not like I was self-conscious or anything, so I didn't really care that much. I realized that since no girl came into the locker room that I was the only girl in this gym class, that and the fact that when I walked out of the girl's locker room, I was the only girl, but I mean I don't mind. Girl's don't usually sign up for gym if they don't have to, I guess cause they don't wanna get all sweaty, I have no clue.

There was only me and two other guys waiting for the rest to get changed, they were in grade 12, so I guess it must be a grade 11 and 12 split class. I figured I'd grab a basketball and shoot some hoops while waiting, so I grabbed a basketball out of the equipment room and brought it out to the gym and started shooting from the foul line. As a basketball player, I've always liked shooting from the foul line. My dad always told me I was a really good foul line shooter, "way above average" he tells me. So far I've gotten all the shots in. I start to get ready to take another shot, dribbled it a few times in front of me, bent my knees, and had my left hand ready to guide the ball while my right hand would aim and spin the ball. Before I could take my shot, I notice another basketball in the air, way over my head, going towards the net. It went in perfectly. As they say "nothing but net". It didn't even hit the rim or the backboard, just the net. I rotate from my waist up with the basketball in my hands to see who made the most beautiful shot I've ever seen.

My eyes landed on a guy who was just lowering his arms from shooting position as he stood at the mid-court line. He shot that from mid-court! I was slightly, actually really, really impressed that he shot that half way across the gym. Then my eyes met familiar brown ones, only to realize the hot new guy was the one who made the perfect shot.

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