Chapter 23

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Amy’s POV

‘Danny, they’re gorgeous!’ I exclaim, in the box lie a pair of red, sequined vans, with silver diamantes round the base. ‘Thank you!’ I shout, throwing my arms around his neck. He kisses the top of my head and I release him. ‘Well I don’t know about everyone else, but I want a coffee and a cake!’ says Danny, getting up and marching into the kitchen, taking the doughnuts and cupcakes with him. All the boys except from Dougie follow Danny into the kitchen. ‘Um Aims,’ says Dougie, ‘Can, can I see the scars?’ I smile and roll up my sleeves, revealing the scars on my elbow, then I lift my shirt up a little so he can see the ones on my stomach. I pull the top of my leggings down so he can see my hip, then finally, I roll up the bottom of my leggings revealing my ankle. He traces the scars on my ankle with his forefinger, making me giggle. He laughs and looks up at me, ‘You know what would be really cool?’ he says, grinning.

‘What?’ I say, grinning back,

‘You could like, get a tattoo round your ankle to hide the scars, like a daisy chain or something?’ The ideas tempting, ‘You know what Doug? That the best idea you’ve ever had!’ I shout, throwing my arms around his neck, he hugs me back for a bit but eventually we both pull away. ‘Danny!’ I shout, ‘Get your Bolton ass in here now!’ Danny comes running in,

‘What? What?’ he says, worriedly,

‘I want to get a tattoo.’

Amy’s POV

‘Ok, why? Where? When?’ says Danny, looking confused, but happy,

‘Now, on my ankle, to cover up the scars.’ I say, smiling,

‘Come here you!’ he says, holding out his arms for a hug. I run into his chest and he hugs me tightly. ‘It was Dougie’s idea.’ I say, pulling away, Dougie smiles awkwardly, ‘So what are we waiting for?’ I grab Danny’s and Dougies hands and lead them out towards Danny’s car. ‘Mind if us four meet you there?’ shouts Harry,

‘The more the merrier!’ I shout back. Dougie, Matt Danny and I go in Danny’s car and the rest go in Harry’s. We arrive at the tattoo parlour before the others so we go in and speak to the receptionist. I’m halfway through choosing what I want when the others stroll in. A short blonde woman covered in tattoos walks in, ‘Hey, I’ll be doing your tattoo today, if you wanna follow me through.’ She turns around and leads us off into another room. I squeeze Danny’s hand, and follow the girl. She points to a chair and I position myself with my ankle raised. Danny and Dougie sit next to me, holding my hands. ‘Right, this is a sensitive area, made worse by the scars, but it shouldn’t be too bad.’ She says, starting up the needle. She starts drawing and I wince in pain, biting the inside of my cheek so hard, it starts to bleed. Danny sees me wincing and kisses my forehead. ‘It’s okay, it’s okay.’ He coaxes. ‘Hang in the Aims.’ Says Dougie, squeezing my hand. I hold on as long as I can but eventually I let out a little wine, ‘Hey.’ Says Danny, kissing my hand.

After what feels like forever, woman finally turns off the needle, ‘There you go!’ she says, wiping my new tattoo. ‘I love it!’ I say, staring at the dainty little daisy chain, covering the horrible scars.

‘It’s beautiful,’ says Danny, ‘Like you.’ he whispered the last bit, careful not to let the others hear. He hugs me tightly, and then helps me out of the chair. I put an arm round his shoulder and he helps me hobble to the desk. I reach into my back pocket and pull out three twenty pound notes, but before I can put them on the desk, Danny’s credit card is already in the machine. ‘Danny!’ I shout,

‘What?’ he replies, ‘My treat.’ He smiles and takes his card, helping me out the door and into his car. We drop all the guys off home and then drive back to his. He carries me princess style up the driveway and into the living room. I position myself on the sofa and he comes in with a bandage and some cream. How is it?’ he asks, rubbing in the cream and wrapping it up.

‘It hurts like crazy!’ I say. He finished wrapping it up and sits next to me on the sofa, giving me a quick kiss on the head. ‘D’you want anything to eat?’ he asks, I shake my head. ‘Amy, you haven’t eaten anything all day.’ He says, taking my hand.

‘I’m not hungry!’ I shout,

‘Okay, but tomorrow, you’re eating! Now, I want to watch Back to the Future.

Danny’s POV

We spent all night watching the Back to the Future trilogy. At about 1.30am, I carry an already asleep Amy upstairs. I lay her down on the bed and go to get changed, when I come back, she’s in a baggy shirt and shorts, damn she looks good. I walk up to her and hug her tightly, ‘I’m so proud of you.’ I say. She hugs me tighter and then takes a small step backwards, tangling her fingers in my hair and kissing me softly. We stand there for ages, and then finally she pulls back. I smile awkwardly and scratch me head, finally she breaks the silence, ‘Where do you sleep?’ she says, pointing at the bed. ‘Wherever’s closest to you I suppose?’ I say, grinning. She gets into the bed and snuggles down under the covers. I clamber in next to her and snake my arms around her waist. She wraps her legs around mine and I’m careful not to touch her new tattoo. I like sleeping with our legs entwined, it makes me feel safer and closer to her. She finds one of my hands and takes it, stroking the back of it with her thumb. All these little movements make me feel so special. Amy makes me feel special. I love her, and I’ll never let her go.

There it is! The last chapter of Dreams Can Come True! I'll be posting a sequel soon, so keep checking!!

Ellie xx

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