Chapter 4

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Danny's POV

She's beautiful. And I can't believe she actually agreed to come home with me! Amy Willis. Maybe something could happen between us. I mean, she seems into me, I think? Then she kissed me. She's disappeared off with Dougie somewhere but I can still see her in my head. Wonder if she can play guitar? It's all her and Matt have been talking about since we left the arena. Shit, she's with Dougie. Oh dear.
I walk off to find them and see them in a booth with Dougie doing some sort of trick with cocktail sticks. God he's weird. I sit down at the booth and stare at him. 'Dougie, what the actual fuck are you doing?' I say, grinning. He's now got them stuffed up him nose.
'I'm a walrus.' He says, making some sort of groaning noise. I get up and walk round to Amy.
'Want to dance?' I say, holding my hand out.
'It would be my pleasure Mr Jones.' She says, taking my hand. We walk to the middle of the dance floor and stand awkwardly for a bit. Then the song changes and some R&B number comes on. 'I love this song!' shouts Amy. She doesn't take much warming up. Before I can react she's dancing away. I stand back and watch her for a bit. She really is beautiful. 'Come on Danny!' she shouts grabbing my hand. She stands in front with me behind. I sort of let her take control, lightly putting my hand on her hips. We dance for what feels like hours until I feel a heavy wait on my back and find Tom clinging onto my neck. 'Can't you not man?' I say jokily, flinging him off. 'I was quite happy!'
'We can see that!' smirks James.

Amy's POV

He's a brilliant dancer! Too bad Tom came along though. I've left those two to fight whilst I went off with Dougie. 'Do they do that often?' I say, laughing.
'Unless you count every fucking minute of every fucking day, then no!' He shouts. 'You like him don't you!' he says, 'Amy and Danny sit..' I punch him on the arm to shut him up.
'Shut up, shut up, shut up.' I say. I do like him; I just won't admit it, yet.
'Want to dance?' He says imitating Danny.
'I'm honoured Mr Poynter.' I say in a posh accent. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. Dancing with Dougie is a lot more relaxed that dancing with Danny. Dougie is just plain mad! He's flipping his hair back and forth and doing these little bum wiggles whilst I swing my hips and watch. 'C'mon Willis.' He says, before I realise, he's put me on his back and has piggy backed me to the bar. He sits me down and orders two beers. 'You're mad!' I say, 'But good mad.' He takes a sip of his beer then says, 'Why thank you other Willis.'

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