Chapter 2

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I spent all evening getting ready, eventually settling for a black mini dress and my red converse. I straightened my hair and put my red rose flower garland in. 30 mins later I was on the train on the way to meet McBusted! As we got to the O2, I began to get nervous. What if he'd forgotten? What if they all hated me? What if I look too childish? I'm 24 but I have a rather young innocent looking face. The short dress makes my look a bit older which helps. I got to the stage doors and said 'Amy Willis?' The bodyguard looked at a book and then opened the door, guiding me to their dressing room. As we got closer I began to hear their voices. Shit, I was in heaven. The bodyguard pushed open the door and let me walk in. And there they were. Dougie, Harry, Tom, Matt, James and Danny. 'Hey!' said Danny as we walked over to greet me. He pulled me into a hug then walked back to join his bandmates. 'Who's then they ay?' Said Dougie, giving me and Danny a look.
'Just a friend.' Replied Danny, punching him lightly on the arm.
'Ok then.' Said Dougie with a rather large grin on his face, 'Does she speak?'
'As a matter of fact, yes I do.' I say smiling.
'SHE SPEAKS!' shouts Dougie.
'Seriously man?' shouts Danny in return. He then give s me a lopsided grin. I turn around and see Harry walking toward me, 'Harry. Harry Judd.' He says.
'Yeah, I know,' I reply, 'Amy. Amy Willis.'
'Did someone say Willis?' shouts Matt from the corner of the room.
'Yeah, me!' I shout back.
'Well I must get a look at this other Willis.' He shouts as he emerges from around the corner. Jesus he is beautiful in real life. He stops and stares then realises what he's doing and walks over to me. 'Hello, other Willis.' He says, doing some sort of bow in front of me.
I respond with a curtsey, 'Hello original Willis.' I say. I then stand up and look back at Danny. His eyes are fixed on me. Has he been staring at me this whole time? Then Dougie destroys the silence by pushing Danny into the flower pot, 'Oi Danny mate, stop gawping!' There's a loud noise from the other room and James comes in Tom's back! 'Um, I don't know who you are, but this is perfectly normal for us.' Says Tom, grinning.
'I gathered that!' I say, laughing.
'This is other Willis' says Matt pointing in my direction.
'Other Willis?' say James looking confused.
'Amy Willis.' I say. I can't belive I've known him for 3 minutes and Matt freaking Willis has given me a nickname. A man sticks his head round the door, '15 minutes guys.'

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