Chapter 17

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Amy’s POV

We drive back to Danny’s and I find the boys set up for a gig in his living room! I let go of Danny’s hand and take a seat on the sofa, whilst he goes and stands in front of a mic and picks up his guitar. Dougie winks at me and starts to play; he does a little intro then breaks into the song, Tom starts. ‘Went out with the guys, and before my eyes, there was this girl she looked so fine.’ Aww, they’re doing That Girl! I got up and started dancing, flicking my hair around and smiling, they carried on playing but missed out the last verse, it’s irrelevant to our situation. Dougie put his guitar down and ran over to me, picking me up and spinning me round, ‘Happy Birthday for yesterday!’ he shouts.

‘Thanks Doug!’ I say as he lowers me back down, I turn around and receive hugs from Tom, James and Matt, even a little kiss on the head from Harry! ‘You guys are all so sweet!’ I say, walking back over to Danny and taking his hand. Once again, Matt starts jumping up and down and pointing, ‘You two!’ he shouts,

‘Yeah.’ Says Danny, the boys all pat him on the back and congratulate him on the new romance, but I can’t help noticing Dougie not being as happy as usual. ‘Doug, can I speak to you?’ I ask, taking his hand and leading him out of the living room. ‘You alright Aims?’ he asks,

‘Yeah I’m fine!’ I say, ‘What about you?’ I ask, ‘You don’t look yourself.’

‘Um, I guess I’m just um..’ he says, trailing off at the end.

‘What Doug? You can tell me.’

‘I think I’m just jealous of Danny.’ He whispers, staring at the floor.

‘Oh Dougie!’ I say, throwing my hands around his neck. He buries his head in my shoulder and wraps his hands around my back. ‘It’s fine.’ He says, ‘really. It’ll take some getting used to, but I’ll be OK.’ He says, smiling a little. Dougies not as big as Danny, making the hug seem a little friendlier. ‘I didn’t wanna upset you Doug.’ I say into his shoulder.

‘You didn’t! I like you as a friend, I’m just worried things will become a bit awkward between us now.’

‘I can promise you that things will be exactly the same between us, I love ya Doug!’ I kiss him on the cheek and walk back into the living room, sitting down next to Danny. I tried not to be too affectionate because of Dougie. ‘I’m gonna go make everyone a coffee.’ I say, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

I’m halfway through making the coffee’s when I hear a voice behind me. ‘You alright Aims?’ asks Danny in his strong Bolton accent, he walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, ‘You seem a bit upset.’ I lean back into his chest.

‘I’m fine.’ I say, but it doesn’t sound convincing. He sighs.

‘No you’re not.’ He says sternly. I turn round to face him and he cups my face in his hands. ‘I don’t like seeing you like this.’ I pull his hands away from my face and turn back around.

‘Kettle’s boiled.’ I say. He looks at the ground.

‘Please tell me Amy.’ He whispers. It was nothing, yet it seemed so big.

‘Dougie’s a bit jealous.’ I say,

‘Of what?’ he questions.

‘Of us, I guess.’ I say. He almost looked relieved.

‘Well you’re mine.’ Says Danny, taking half of the coffees, ‘And he’ll just have to get on with it.’ He, smirks and kisses my forehead, leaving me with the rest of coffees.

Matt’s POV

Danny comes back into the living room, closely followed by Amy. They looked so cute together and I was really happy for Danny, after all he went through a few years ago, he deserves someone good. ‘Why don’t we go out tonight?’  I suggest, ‘Now Danny’s got his new chick,’ I say winking at Amy, I think we could all use some party time!’

‘Yeah!’ shouts Amy, the boys all nod in agreement, ‘Mind if I phone one of my friends?’ she asks, this makes the boys happier, ‘Bring all your friends!’ shouts Tom. We all laugh. Amy calls her friend and puts her phone on speaker. All of a sudden, a very angry voice comes out of her phone. ‘AMY LOUISE WILLIS, WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN? I’VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! WHY HAVEN’T YOU BEEN ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?’ We all bust out laughing, even Amy, ‘WHO ARE YOU WITH? WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING? IS THAT A GUY?’ Danny takes the phone out of Amy hands and says, ‘Hello, this is Danny Jones from McBusted. On behalf of the boys, I can confirm that Amy Willis is completely safe in our hands. No harm will come to your friend.’ By this point, Amy is laughing so hard it looks like she’s going to cry! ‘AMY YOU’RE WITH MCBUSTED?!’

‘Yeah!’ Shouts Amy, ‘Before your break my phones speakers, I wanted to ask if you wanna come out with me and the boys tonight?’ An ear splitting scream comes out of the phone. ‘Jesus Lily!’ says Amy, rubbing her ear, ‘YES YES YES YES YES!’ shouts Lily in return,

‘Okay, okay.’ Says Amy, ‘Look, text Jess and tell her to be at yours for 8!’ Got to go Lily, bye!’ She hangs up and smiles at us. ‘Two more beautiful girls to party with!’ shouts Dougie.

At 7.30, Amy comes down the stairs dressed in a tight black dress coved in pink flowers, pink converse and her little pink flower garland. I have to admit, Danny is one lucky guy. I can see Danny staring at her in awe, it’s cute seeing him fall for her more and more every day, then I hear a little wolf whistle from Dougie as he wanders into the hallway. ‘Shut up Doug.’ Says Amy, giving him a stern look, and then laughing. ‘Come on,’ she says, pulling his arm, ‘the sooner we leave, the sooner you can meet my friends!’

This was really long, and I haven't updated in ages, sorry! Please comment what you would like to start happeneing, ideas are running short! :)

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