Chapter 12

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3 days later.

I woke up on the morning of my birthday and I hadn’t heard anything from the guys. I had texts from my friends from my old uni, my mum and dad and a few other relatives but none from the boys. Well only Dougie and Danny knew but even they hadn’t said anything. I had nothing better to do so I went shopping. How sad. I was walking around town, on my own on my 25th birthday. Maybe Danny didn’t mean anything that he said. Maybe he wasn’t going to take me out. I stayed in town for about 3 hours then got bored and went home. I looked at my phone, 4 o’clock. I got home and found a letter on my doorstep;



You may think I’ve been ignoring you all day, well I have but I didn’t want to. I’ve been keeping my distance because I want to make today extra special. I told the others to stay away because I knew Dougie would tell you everything! I hope I haven’t ruined your day but believe me, it’ll be worth it! I’ll be at yours for 6 o’clock. Be ready and wearing the most beautiful thing you own, preferably red because I love red and you love me so yeah. I tried to keep cheese out of this letter but I like cheese so here we go, you are beautiful. I love everything about you. I’ve only had 2 days to show it but I’ve tried my best. Oh and by the way, you’re coming back to mine later so bring a bag and prepare a song; I want to hear your voice again.


Lots of love,


Danny xx


P.S. keep the shirt; it looked better on you ;)


I’m left standing on the doorstep unable to speak. I go inside and start to make a start on my appearance.

Sorry for the short chapter! They’ll be longer I promise!

Dreams Can Come True - A McBusted FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz