117 (Camren's Anniversary )

Start from the beginning

Lauren got out of the car as she arrived at the Cabello household. She had a rose in her hand as she nervously walked up the porch of Camila's house. She rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to open the door. When the door opened, she was met with Camila's mother. " Hola Lauren. How are you? " Sinuhe asked. Lauren smiled, " I am great Sinuhe. How are you? "

" I am great, thank you for asking. Come in, come in. Camila will be down in a second. I'll go get her. Have a seat while you wait for her. " Sinuhe said, as she walked Lauren into the living room where Alejandro was sitting on the couch watching a Futbol game.

Lauren nervously sat down next to Alejandro. " Hello sir. " Lauren raised her hand up for him to shake. He shook her hand, and brought his attention back to the game. " FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich. Who are you rooting for? " Lauren asked Alejandro. Lauren was a fan of soccer, but never said that she was.

Alejandro looked towards Lauren and smiled, " FC Barcelona. "

Lauren nodded, " Yeah I like them too. " She said nervously and looked away from Alejandro. Lauren was praying for Camila to come down any minute now, cause this was way too awkward. She let out a sigh of relief, when she heard her girlfriend's voice coming down the stairs.

She smiled widely as she saw Sinuhe and Camila walk into the living room. I stood up and walked over to Camila. I smiled, " Hey baby. " I handed her the rose, " For you. "

Camila smiled widely as she saw her girlfriend sitting on the couch with her father. She hoped nothing bad had happened. " Hi baby. Thank you. These are lovely. " Camila said, as her girlfriend gave her the rose. Camila asked her mother if she could put it in a vase and she did. Camila kissed her mother and father goodbye and went into Lauren's car.

When both girls went into the car, Camila spoke up, " So where are we going babe? " She put her seat belt on and looked over at Lauren. She didn't care where Lauren took her. As long as they were together, she would be happy.

Lauren looked over at her girlfriend as she spoke, and started the engine. " You will see baby. I'm not saying where I'm taking or what I'm going to do. It's for me to know and you to find out. " She said, as she took turn to the other street.

Camila pouted when Lauren told her that she wouldn't be telling her where she would be taking her. " Why not baby? You know I get impatient when people don't tell me stuff. " She said, as she looked at the road in front of them, and saw the sun setting.

" I want to suprise you. That's why I won't be telling you where I am taking you. All I can tell you, is that this night will be perfect for the both of us. Okay, baby? " Lauren said, as she stopped at a red light, and leaned over to kiss Camila on the lips. " I've missed you. I haven't seen you since New Years. "

Camila looked over at Lauren and smiled when her girlfriend leaned over to kiss her on the lips. " I know. I missed you too. But you didn't have to come with me to New York, you could've stayed in Miami with you family. " She said, as she took Lauren's hand and interwined their fingers together.

Lauren stepped on the gas as the light turned green. " Baby, I wanted to go with you to New York. You were going to perform. Also because my parents are on a cruise and Taylor and Chris were going to spend it with their friends, so that's why I went. " Lauren said. She smiled when she felt Camila bring their hand together. She brought Camila's hand to her lips, to give the back of her hand a kiss.

Camila nodded her head when Lauren told her that her parents were on a cruise and her sibilings were spending it with their friends. " Well hopefully, next year, we can spend New Years together. But with our family. " Camila said. She smiled when she saw Lauren pull up to her favorite Cuban restaurant. " I love this restaurant! How'd you get a reservation? It's hard to get one here, plus it's very expensive. "

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