Chapter 2

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Aleera's POV

I walked out of the jumpship, and it took off again, going back to the Waverider. I watched after it, not regretting my decision to leave at all.

Now, you might be thinking: Who the hell are you? What the hell is going on? Since when does Rip Hunter have family that is alive? Since when does Rip Hunter have a daughter?

Let me put your mind at ease, hmm?

My name is Aleera Mayla Vegak-Hunter. Rip Hunter adopted me when I was maybe thirteen. He kept me "strictly off the books." That means that no one even knew that I existed. So, I am technically his daughter, but not legally. Make sense?

Now, as for what the hell is going on, at this point in time, I really had no clue. Honestly, it's more than a little ridiculous, so let me run you through this.

I snuck onto the Waverider when Rip Hunter decided to go against the Time Masters, or Time Pigs as Mr. Rory so wonderfully named them. Rip didn't realize I was there until I walked onto the bridge when he was going to get the Legends before they were legends.

I know, kind of confusing. Time travel always is. 

He tried to get me to leave, but I have always been extremely stubborn. It's one of my better qualities. He eventually gave up, and then all of the adventures happened, yadda yadda yadda.

You know that story already, you probably don't want to hear it again. And if you do want to hear the story again, go get a job or something, you clearly have too much time on your hands.

And in the last chapter, you know what happened there... oh, you don't? Well, I could explain it now, and leave you without the suspense that most of this book will hopefully hold, or we could just get on with the story. 

Yeah, I like the second option better too. 

Now, I'm sixteen at this point... the next few years are really boring... I went to high school, got a job, went to college, got a better job, bought my first house... didn't get married, because screw that...

Yikes, I had a really boring life for like the next four years.

I mean, it picked up once I met Castiel. But, I feel like that can wait until next week.

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