Prologue: A heartbreaking discovery

Start from the beginning

Arron: "Woah, what the hell happened here?"

Victoria: "What's wrong?"

(Y/N): *starts to cry* "NDGO........cheated on me."

.......their eyes widen and Emily closes and locks the door and Victoria hugs him and tries to calm him down and he eventually does.......

Arron: "I knew something was fishy as why they was distant. I knew something was up."

(Y/N): "It was more than that, they never loved me. They used my popularity to their advantage and the used me to get what they want." he says that they was furious and they knew NDGO would start bothering him again, so there was one option that Arron had come up with.......

Arron: "We're gonna have to transfer academies. Team NDGO won't leave (Y/N) alone, so that's our only option."

(Y/N): "I agree, I always wanted to go to Beacon. That's where my family met."

Emily: "Same here."

Arron: "Agreed."

Victoria: "Dibs on that."

.........they agreed then that asked for the transfer and it was approved, then they got things ready for their trip to Beacon.......

3rd P.O.V

.......(Y/N) and his team was getting ready to leave and they was putting their stuff on the Bullhead and Emily and Victoria was checking their stuff, then Emily looks up and sees team NDGO running to them and Emily gave Victoria the head up and they stopped them in their tracks.......

Dew: "What're you doing?"

Emily: "Preventing you from seeing (Y/N) that's what we're doing."

Gwen: "Please, let us just talk to him."

Octavia: "We never meant to hurt him."

Victoria: "Hurt him? You completely broke his heart, you cheated on him, you never loved him back and you used him. I've been his best friend since we was kids and I'm not gonna betray him by letting you talk to him. So, if we was you we turn around and walk away."

Emily: "And if we ever see you again, there will be trouble. So, go back to your beaten up boy toy."

..........they was gonna walk off until Nebula grabbed Emily's arm and Emily sighed at annoyance........

Nebula: "Please, can you just talk to him for us? Just tell him that we're sorry."

Emily: "Tell that to the palm of my hand bitch."

.........Emily turned around and quickly slapped her in the face and Nebula fell to the ground holding her face to where she was slapped and Gwen and Dew helped her up.......

Emily: "Now stay away from (Y/N), cause if I see you four again there will be more than just a slap to the face."

........they turn around grab their stuff and they walk to the Bullhead, then NDGO starts to cry because of their mistakes and the Bullhead lands and (Y/N), Arron, Victoria, and Emily went to the train station and they got their tickets and boarded the train, then it took off and they went in their cart.......

(Y/N): "Hey Emily, Victoria."

Victoria: "Yeah?"

Emily: "Hm?"

(Y/N): "I just want to say thanks for covering for me back there, if they tried to talk to me I would have lost it. I'm glad to have you as friends, not just teammates."

Emily: "Hey, no problem. You're a good friend anybody can ask for."

Victoria: "And if you think you was a bad boyfriend, don't think that. I believed you was the best boyfriend. They just used you."

(Y/N): "Thank you. Both of you."

........they nod and they sit back and they wait until they reached Vale, then after a while they arrived and they took a Bullhead to Beacon and as they arrive they are amazed by the sight of the school.......

Emily: "It's amazing."

Victoria: "This place is beautiful."

Arron: "Well, how about we get going?"

........they nod and they get their stuff of the Bullhead and as (Y/N) was walking with his luggage he sees two people walking up to them and he decided to greet them.......

Ozpin: "Greetings, my name is......."

(Y/N): "Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Yes. Have we met before?"

(Y/N): "I haven't seen you since I was a kid, it's me (Y/N) (L/N)."

Ozpin: "Oh (Y/N), It's been years. Sorry if I haven't recognized you."

(Y/N): "It's alright."

Ozpin: "So, I believed that you are also accompanied by other students?"

(Y/N): "Oh my teammates, of course. Here they come now."

........they walk up to him and they introduced themselves.......

Arron: "My name is Arron Jacobs, it's nice to meet you."

Victoria: "I'm Victoria James."

Emily: "My name is Emily Winters."

(Y/N): "And we are know as Team (T/N), and I'm the team leader."

Ozpin: "Well, it's nice to meet you. This is Glynda Goodwitch, she's the combat teacher and she'll take you to your dorm."

Goodwitch: "Right this way please."

.........they follow her to their dorm and they walk in and get settled in and chose the beds they will be sleeping in, then it got night and they were going to sleep. But, (Y/N) stayed up and tried to get 'them' outta his head."

To be continued.......

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know, and I would like to say sorry for the deletion of this story and here it is reuploaded,

Now with that said, see y'all next time.)

cheater NDGO x male reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now