"My my aren't we in the yelling mood." She turns away from him "You must be really angry huh?"

For a moment he hesitates "It's just... you need to put the past behind you. I doubt she'd want to see me after what I did anyways."

"It's not too late! My mistress would be delighted if you'd ask her hand once more?" The prez defensively says.

"I want to win for my team... like a good sportsman would... without cheating" Victor looks away "Whatever fling we had is now behind me and I've fallen in love with someone else."

Coach Feltsmen is seen running into sight "VICTOR YOU'RE AN HOUR LATE!!" The old man comes crashing down on top of his luggage and Makkachin attacks him.

"This doesn't change the fact that I'll post all those photos everywhere..." The prez bites her bottom lip in defeat "I'll ruin you for my mistress."

"Go ahead. If they company really did sign me for my skill then it shouldn't be a problem." Victor smilies evilly.

Coach Feltsmen gets up from the wreck "is there a problem here?"

"No sir." The prez turns around and starts to leave.

"It was nice seeing you before I left." Victor calls after her "old friend..." he whispers.

Coach Feltsmen and his assistant stand there confused at what just happened but decide not to question it.

"We must hurry if we want to get there in time! We're already an hour behind sirs!" The assistant takes out a clip board and proceeds to take notes.

"You said goodbye to those you needed to right?" Feltsmen tries to lighten the mood but makes Victor feel worse.

'I can't believe I'm finally leaving... Maybe for good if my career launches...' Victor thinks the himself and looks down sadly at Makkachin and sighs.

"Think about it for a moment." Feltsmen brings him from his thoughts "You leading your team to victory and yourself to triumph!" He give his a rough pat on the back and smiles.

"You'll do great." His assistant grabs Makkachin's leash "Just relax and let us handle everything."

Coach Feltsmen puts on his small navy blue hat and head towards the private jet with determination. His assistant follows on right after carrying a huge tower of luggage while holding onto Makkachin's leash. 'Guess he couldn't make it after all? At least I got to spend the night with him before I left.' Victor runs his hands through his hair and sighs once more.

"Victor?" Feltsmen calls from the jet.

"I'll be a second I'm waiting for someone to show up..." Victor calls back and continues his lookout.

'He would come regardless knowing him but maybe he's upset I left him to go off with other people... I'll just talk to him on the phone once I get there...' Victor turns around and starts heading towards the private jet when he hears his name being called in the distance. Turning around he sees it's his lover running towards the gates.

"VICTOR WAIT!" Yuri yells out as he tumbles over himself and into Victor's open arms.

"I thought you weren't coming!" Victor hugs him tightly and starts kissing him all over the face.

"I wouldn't miss not seeing you for the world!" Yuri laughs lightly.

"Our relationship feels so rushed... I'm sorry that things happened the way they did. Although I don't regret anything we did together I do regret the horrible timing." Victor looks over at the jet just waiting to take off.

"We'll always have time to fix it when you come back and I'm feeling better." Yuri smiles.

"Victor we have to go!!" Feltsmen assistant calls out this time.

"I'm sorry... I have to go..." Victor pouts.

"I'll contact you everyday and I'll promise to get better to visit you." Yuri pouts as well.

Turning around to Victor goes to board the jet when Yuri grabs his wrist "I'll also keep the bed warm for you...." he pauses for a good while before realizing what he'd said "FORGET WHAT I SAID!!!" Yuri goes mad red.

Victor kisses his cheek "You're too cute."

Yuri covers his cheek as Victor waves goodbye and continues to walk up to the entrance of the jet.  And from then on the two will be in the story at two separate location, times, and language until that one fateful day that changed their lives.

Possibly forever.

A/N:Sorry if this seems rushed I just realized how everywhere the story is and it's making me upset? Like I wanted this to be so well thought out as a story but honestly I don't know what to think?

Do you guys enjoy the story?


"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now