~End of Flashback~

"How did you..?!" Yuri's eyes widen at the lewd photos.

"I warned you didn't I? I told you to stay away from him and yet you've deceived me." She grips onto the collar of Yuri's hospital gown and pulls him towards her "They'll be everywhere so choose wisely..."

'Guess in the end this was all unavoidable.. she was everywhere... probably having the other members of the student council follow us. I should've just told Victor from the start.' Yuri thinks to himself as the prez congratulate herself on such black mailing.

"What do you mean everywhere?" He picks one up.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" She grabs it from him and points at it "They'll be posted all over the school from top to bottom. Everyone will know your secret don't you care!"

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and they both look over towards it "Who is that?" The prez glares at Yuri.

"Yuri? Can I come in?" Victor's sweet voice hums from the other side.

"Well would you speak of the devil..." She throws Yuri back onto the bed and starts to collect everything "Not a word to him."

The door swings open and Victor pauses at the doorway at the site of the Student prez "What're you doing here?"

"I had some unfinished business I needed to attend to... now if you'll excuse me." She rests her hand on Yuri's cheek and smiles "I'll be taking my leave but don't forget what I told you."

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out." Victor sneers.

"I wouldn't if I were you. I still have contact with my sister after all." And with her final words she leaves.

Victor watches her closely as she heads out with the box and looks back over to a very worried and scared Yuri. He rushes over to his side after closing the door and embraces him in a hug.

"I have to get certain things off my chest but before that I need you to promise me you'll depend on me from now on." Victor says frantically.

Yuri looks up at him "What'd you mean?"

"You made me promise you that. Remember?" Victor holds out his pinky "I know we've been kinda up and down lately but I don't want to continue anything without telling each other what we've been holding back."

"Victor I-..." Yuri looks down at his pinky and sighs.

"You don't have to tell me everything but please... I need your reassurance..." Victor looks at him seriously "I'm sorry for dumping this on you now but we don't have much time."

Yuri softly places his pinky around Victor's and the pain in his chest starts to vanish "What is this about?"

Victor relaxes and sits down next to Yuri on the bed "I'm moving back to my hometown... Moscow, Russia..."

"You're what-..." Interrupting Yuri he continues.

"Coach feltsmen thought I'd be a great idea to enroll me for skating programs. I'm starting my career next week." Victor looks at Yuri with a painful look in his eyes "and I never wanted to get closer to you because I knew this since I moved here five years ago but I-..."

"Don't let me get in the way" Yuri interrupts him this time "I'll be okay..." he tears up.

"Let me finish dammit..." Victor also starts to tear up "I can't just let you go... and you're not in my way... I just..."

Yuri puts his hands against Victor's face "Now why're you crying? It ruins you're picture perfect face." He kisses Victor's forehead "I don't want coach feltsmen to be angry at me before you could get your headshots."

Victor puts his hands over Yuri's "Come with me to Russia..."

"You know I can't." Yuri smiles sadly.

"When you get better come visit me..." Victor kisses Yuri softly on the lips.

Yuri kisses him back 'If I get the flowers removed what'll happen then? Will my feelings for him really leave? The past five years... if I wasn't in his way would he be happier?' Victor starts to kiss down Yuri's neck leaving behind soft butterfly kisses.

"Now tell me why the student council prez came to see you." Victor snuggles into Yuri's torso.

"I don't want what she does bother you..." Yuri tries wiping his tears away "It's my fault we're like this to begin with anyway I'll take the burden."

"No way..." Victor sniffles "You promised you'd depend on me so tell me."

"The reason I've been acting the way I have these past few weeks... were because of her..." I look down at him "She's threatening to post pictures of us all over the school."

Victor looks up at Yuri "Wait why."

"I guess she wants you all to herself...? I don't know?" Yuri looks away with a sad look spread across his face "I mean I've seen pictures of you with other girls so I guess..."

"There's a lot I haven't told you..." Victor sits up and sighs "I'll tell you all of it but for the moment just know I'll take care of everything before I leave."

"I really wish you didn't have to go but I won't stop you or your blossoming career." Yuri grabs Victor's hand to intertwine their fingers together "I'll be here to support you and love you at the same time."

"I guess I should head out..." Victor says smiling "Visiting hours are almost up..." He gets up off the bed and kisses Yuri's forehead.

He turns around to leave when Yuri grabs his hand "Wait!"

Victor looks back at Yuri and chuckles "I'll come back to see you tomorrow morning before I leave I promise."

"It's not that..." Yuri looks away blushing.

"Then..?" Victor starts to blush as well.

Pulling Victor into the bed again Yuri wraps his arms around his neck "Spend the night..."

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now