Chapter 20

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Two weeks later~ (The author couldn't bother to write 2 week long activities)

Yin's P.O.V

Our assignment is finished and what's left is binding them together. There's still a week till it's due date but there's no harm in finishing early. Currently, I'm sitting between Minseok and Kris ge while ignoring the debate of Chanyeol and Baekhyun about scooters and motorcycles. Suho taking the lead opens his mouth to start a conversation while not paying attention to the beagles. "So, Xiumin hyung and Yin. Today's it, you guys ready?" Am I ready? "As ready as I'll ever be, with a tiny bit of nervousness on the side." Minseok answers and it's sorta clear that he's also a bit anxious about what will happen. "I guess, I'm nervous. I've never joined things like these before." I admit. It's intimidating. Singing in front of people who I don't know while they judge, it's different from the boys. "It's normal to be nervous, Yin. After all, it's your first time singing in front of others. You'll do fine."

They encourage me more. Even Baekhyun and Chanyeol stopped their debate. But I'm still afraid, afraid that I'll mess Minseok's chances of getting in. What if he loses because of me? Suddenly, a hand is placed around my shoulders, Minseok's hand. "There, don't worry too much. Just have fun and enjoy, you did well during practice." He is right, I should just enjoy it. If Minseok doesn't get in, I'll make sure he cheers up. "Okay." "Woah, Xiumin hyung just persuaded Yin. I can't even do that." Kris interrupts and now wolf whistles are heard from the table. "Phew, Xiumin hyung has magic~ And Yin noona fell for it~ I ship it." Sehun speaks up, now all of them are making comments and Minseok started making pouting faces. "She's mine, and I do have magic. She fell for it~" Now he's hugging meeee///~/// ahhh the feels.

"No fair! I want a hug too!" Tao protests. "How come Xiumin hyung gets to hug her?" Kai adds his comment to the pile. "Mine, not yours." Minseok childishly sticks his tongue out to the maknaes protest. It was a great coincidence bumping into them and befriending them. I couldn't imagine school after this without them.

After school~

Yin's P.O.V

Now it's the most awaited moment all day. Audition time. The boys are waiting outside for us. "Fighting!!" We all cheered before me and Minseok go in. The music starts, our cue to get ready and sing. Here it goes.

You Are The One (EXO Xiumin Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ