Scavenger Hunt!!

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Lucy P.O.V

'He's gonna die!!' I thought over and over, after watching for the next 30 minutes of Sting flirting with Yukino, Natsu and Gray were also cowering in fear as Erza got mad at them for trying to fight again, its weird, they've haven't been here that long, but they are still terrified of her. Finally Guildarts finally arrived, but, he was sober?? I looked at Cana and seen her smirk at me, 'that dirty cheat, she blackmailed her own father' then again its not very hard too, especially if your father is Guildarts Clive.

"Alright kids, here's the list and here are the rules; 1) no magic 2) no other help 3) your group can split into pairs of 2 or 3 to look in different places and 4) you have till midnight tonight to find everything" he explained, I smiled, easy challenge.

"What's the prize??" Levy asked, Guildarts smirked, "the winning group gets to choose the theme for the up coming festival" 'the festival, Yas!! The festival is celebrated once every 5 years it marks the schools anniversary, so deciding the theme and hosting it would be awesome!!' I thought excitedly. "Oh, and I forgot to mention" Guildarts added, "that I will give you a clue to the first item, then the next clue will be at the item you found" he explained, I heard a few people curse under their breath.

"So when do we start??" Erza asked, Guildarts placed both clues on the table next him, "now, oh, and by the way, you've both got different clues, so you'll be in different orders" was all he said before he walked over to the pool table and began playing for some reason?? I watched as both groups ran to their clues and began examining them. "What the hell?? What dies this mean?? Juvia is confused??" Juvia spoke annoyed, I read our clue.

One tequila
Two tequila
Three tequila
Smoking, dancing, grinding
Is where you'll find the first

"Tequila, smoking, dancing and grinding  is where we'll find the first item...." Levy thought out loud, I thought as the others were discussing it, 'where do I go to dance and smoke?? Or where is tequila?? Since it's such a rare alcoholic drink it would be in a certai- BINGO!!' "The Oscars Nightclub!!" I suddenly blurted out, they all looked at me weirdly, 'shit....' "The Oscars Nightclub??" Mirajane asked, "y-yeah, I've heard about that place and since its the only place that sells tequila since its such a rare alcoholic drink" I quickly replied, they looked at me, then at each other before Cana suddenly yelled, "well what are we waiting for!! To the Nightclub!!" We all ran to the car driving off to our destination.

Natsu P.O.V

"Shit!! They've already found the place!!" I heard Gray curse, I read our clue another time,

Shouts, roars, laughter, squawks
Trunks, manes, wings, tails
Is where you'll find your first clue

"Trunks, manes, wings and tails?? I don't get it??" Gajeel complained, I thought for a moment, "well if wings and tail are a feature on an animal, wouldn't that mean that mane and trunk is an animal feature as well??" Rouge replied, we looked at him then continued to think, "but that means that all the features would be on an animal, like the trunk, if that was an animal features then it might be an elephants trunk same with the lions mane??" Laxus added, "but where would we find a lion and an elephant??" I questioned, "A ZOO!! Its at the zoo!!" Jellal suddenly interrupted, we all looked at him, "you see, the roars from the lions, the squawks from the bird and the shouts and laughter from the children and adults" Jellal explained, "we then let's hurry and go!!"

Erza P.O.V

We were all sitting in Mira's van on the other side of the Nightclub, "how will we get in??" I  heard Lucy ask, "I'm not sure" I answered, "well we could try sneaking in??" Mira suggested, "how the hell are we gonna get in when there's four guards right there!?" Levy replied, Mira shrugged, I then noticed a poster on the doors,

Dancers wanted
14-18th January

I smirked as she found a way in, "I found a way in" I interrupted, the others turned to me, "what!? How!?" Levy replied in both shock and confusion, I smiled and pushed the red pair if glasses that I would usually wear further up my head, "because I'm the student council president" I replied, they were all quiet and Mira gave me a 'really...' Look. "I'm just joking, there's a sign on the door that says they need dancers" I explained as they all either tried to read the poster or began thinking.

"So we just need to say we're dancers" I explained, Lucy looked confused, "so, we just need to walk up there and say we're dancers??" She asked, I chuckled, "we need to look like dancers in order to get in" I turned to Mira, who was trying not to explode, she knew what I was thinking. "Mirajane Straus, we need three good looking dancers" I ordered, I swear I seen stars in her eyes.


3rd Person P.O.V

"Now where should we look??" Sting asked, the boys had just arrived at the Zoo. "Well, let's think, it said where there's roars, laughter, squawks and shouts, so give me the map" Jellal commanded, Rouge passed him the map and he began to think. "The lions, elephant and birds are all next to each other, so let's go there" he added. So off they went, walking to the others side if the Zoo, walking past Rhino's, Dolphins, Zebra's, Giraffe's and other creatures.

Finally they had reached their destination and looked around, "so what now??" Natsu asked, "I'm not sure, let's just look around, it will be something out of the ordinary that doesn't belong in a Zoo" Rouge replied, and with that they began searching. But their search was interrupted by a scream, they quickly looked around and seen a Monkey attached to Gray, they all began to laugh loudly seeing it. "Its not funny!!" Gray yelled annoyed, "yes it is!! And where did she come from??" Gajeel asked, "its a he and he jumped out from the trees and began clinging to me" Gray explained, "it must've been the monkey I heard the Zoo keepers talking about" Jellal explained walking over to the monkey.

"Well who cares, we gotta find the item and the next clue" Laxus complained, the others nodded and were about to go continue searching when they heard the Monkey yell, "what the hell does it want??" Natsu complained walking up to it, it then began making noises while pointing to its stomach, "why's is it doing that??" Sting thought out loud, "I don't know??" Rouge replied. Suddenly he turned to Gray and did thee most disgusting thing as Gray would describe, the monkey leaned in and kissed Gray!! The others jaws dropped as the monkey continued to kiss him, Gray had his eyes wide open and trued to pull away but couldn't.

Finally.... finally!! The monkey ended the kiss and the shocked silence became a crowed of laughter, the boys stood there laughing and pointing at Gray......

'Kill me.....' Was all he could think.....

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