Oh God no....

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Lucy P.O.V

Mirajane suddenly gasped and started to jump up and down in excitement. "Lucy who's your friend!?" She asked, I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck, "this is my cousin Yukino...... do you mind if she stays as well??" I asked, she looked at Yukino and smiled as Yukino waved nervously, "h-hi" she replied, "sure!! The more people we have!! The more of a chance of winning!!" She exclaimed as she dragged us inside, "winning?!" We both asked in usion, she closed the door and dragged up the stairs.

Mirajanes house was pretty flash, on the inside and out, it was also pretty big so we had a lot of sleepovers at hers. She the led us to two large doors that were decorated with girly things and labelled,

Mira's Woman Cave
No Entry!!

She only let us in when it was an emergency, so I'm guessing something happened. She opened the door and I seen everyone sitting 'round, they all stopped what they were doing at drew their attention to me, then to Yukino. "Who's this Lu-Chan??" Levy asked curiously as she walked over to Yukino and I, "this is my cousin Yukino, she turned up today and I didn't want to bail on you guys, so I hope you don't mind her joining??" I answered rubbing the back of my head nervously. They all smiled, "of course she can join, we'll need all the help w can get!!" Erza replied as her smile turned into a determined expression. I tilted my head in confusion, "um why?? What happened??" I asked, they all stood up, except Cana, who was sculling back a bottle of Rum. "The boys challenged us!!" Juvia answered, "wow, what to?? What do we have to do??" I asked, Levy sighed "it's like a scavenger hunt but its all over Magnolia but...." "but??" I replied, wanting to know the rest. "They're getting Guildarts to choose the list, when he's drunk to make it more interesting" she continued, my eyes went wide.

'A drunk Guildarts choosing the list?? This could actually be quite amusing' I thought, Guildarts is Cana's father, he's really cool and chilled back, he actually gets drunk in school sometimes, which is a really fun lesson. "Well when are we starting??" I asked, earning a few surprised glances. "Well we were waiting for you, then we were gonna head over to the boys house and start" Mirajane replied, I looked at her and nodded. "But before we head out, hi i'm Erza Scarlet, the student council president" Erza exclaimed as she held out her hand for Yukino to shake, Yukino took her hand shyly, suddenly Yukinos eyes shined white and she quickly pulled her hand back, the others looked at her both confused and worried. I chuckled nervously, "Yukino has magic as well, she can see into the future and sometimes the past" I quickly explained, the others smiled, "well, you'll fit right in!!" Cana slurred, Levy sighed and walked over to Cana and took the bottle of Rum out of her hands.

"That's enough for you" she said and grabbed her and began walking towards us, "hi, i'm Levy, and this alcoholic you see here is Cana" she explained, Yukino smiled, "i'm Mirajane and this is Juvia" Mirajane introduced. "It's nice to meet you all, it's good to know that Lucy has lot's of friends" she replied, "well then, how about we get going??" Erza exclaimed as she began walking out the door, we all soon followed her to the lounge. "You guys wanna take separate cars or the van??" Mira asked, we all ended up agreeing on the van, it would take less time and be easier. So off we went, to the garage, walking past all sorts of cars that I liked the look of.


3rd Person P.O.V

"How long are the girls gonna take??" Natsu complained, "I don't know, but they're 15 minutes late already!!" Gray huffed, "why the hell are we doing this again??" Laxus asked annoyed, "remember?? The winners get to pick the theme of the festival!!" Jellal answered "we are so gonna beet those girls" Sting replied smirking. Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a horn.

Natsu quickly got up and ran over to the window, his eyes suddenly brightened up and he smiled with determination. "Yas!! Finally!!" He exclaimed, "is it the girls??" Gray asked, Natsu turned to him with a 'really??' look, "nah! It's Mike the unicorn and he's come here to deliver us easter baskets-of course it's the girls!!" He replied.

Gray stood up and the bashed heads, "what'd you say Flame brain!?" "You heard me pervert!!" "I'm not a pervert Pyro!!" "Yet you strip in front of girls!!" "I told you it's a-" "WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT FIGHTING!!" A voice yelled out in rage as Erza walked in and grabbed the chair that Gajeel was sitting on and hit the boys with the chair and Gajeel.

Both Natsu and Gray laid on the ground as their souls flew out of them, the rest of the girls walked into the lounge seeing a half-dead Natsu and Gray on the floor, Gajeel rubbing his back, the boys cowering in fear except Jellal and an extremely pissed off Erza. "Gray-sama!!" Juvia suddenly yelled, running towards Gray and tackled him down just as he was managing to get up.

"You OK??" Levy asked walking over to Gajeel, "i'm fine Shrimp" he replied with a devious smirk on his face, Levy huffed in annoyance. "Hey Luce, how ya been??" Natsu asked while walking over to Lucy. A light blush appeared on Lucy's cheek, "I've been quite fine thank you, by the way. I'd like you guys to meet my cousin Yukino" Lucy introduced pulling Yukino out from behind her, she waved shyly and Lucy smiled.

"Yukino, these are the guys, Gajeel, Levy's boyfriend, he may seem tough and scary but he's actually sweet and kind..... To Levy that is. Mess with Levy and your dealing with that"


"Natsu the pink haired dude,he can be the most idiotic and dense one"

"Hey!! and it's salmon"

"Gray, Juvia's love. He may seem cold and rude, but he's just a Cinnamon roll"

"Sup- hey!!"

"That's Laxus, he's like a big soft teddy bear!!........ if teddy bears were incredibly violent and deadly- anyway!!"


"The goth over there is Rouge, he may look very goth and emotionless but everyone knows he has a thing for Sting"


"The one with the tattoo is Jellal, he's a lot like Erza, just without the demon side and smartness"


"And finally the blonde over there is Sting, he thinks very highly of himself and thinks he's a king and wants Rouge to be is Queen, but we're not sure if he's blonde because he's stupid or he's stupid because he's blonde"

"Shut up Lucy!!"

Lucy introduced, and by the end all the girls were laughing on the ground or at least trying to not laugh, the boys on the other hand looked annoyed, except Gajeel and Natsu. "Well it's nice to meet you all" Yukino smiled sweetly. Suddenly Sting sat up and walked over, taking Yukinos hand and placing a kiss on it, "well its lovely to meet such a beautiful lady like you" he replied while smirking, Yukino blushed 50 shades of red. Everyone's jaws dropped, except for Lucy's.

Who was slowly planning his death.....

Fairytail- A two faced Nerd Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum