Hold in the truth...

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Lucy P.O.V

"So do you know where he's taking you??" Erza asked, Levy was sitting on the chair for her desk while Mirajane did her makeup, "I found out that he's taking me to a club" Levy replied smiling. Erza thought for a moment, "I wonder why he's taking you there, I mean, you're not the type of person to go to parties and other places" she explained, I chuckled, 'That's just what you think Erza....' I thought as a smirk appeared on my face, "well, I'm all done!!" Mirajane smiled. Levy stood up and walked over to the mirror and smiled, "thanks guys" she smiled, she turned around and faced us, "so how you feeling??" Erza asked, "a-actually, quite nervous. Usually I'm strong, but I'm a nerd and he's a strong scary looking guy!! " Levy explained as her face began to blush red.

Hehe, as always she's never out of character' I thought, our giggles and conversations were cut off by the sound if the doorbell, Mirajane was the first to stand up and run to the door. "Gajeel!! Your finally here!!" I heard her shout happily, I watched as Levy took a deep breath and smiled at me, I waved and gave her the thumbs up. "Hey" "what's up Shrimp??" "How many times do I have to say, its Levy!!" I heard Gajeel chuckle, "whatever you say Shrimp, let's go shall we??" I heard him say as Levy giggled, agreeing. I heard Mira dreamily sigh as she shut the door and walked back into the room again, I watched her as a smirk appeared on her face. "Mira, no!! We're not spying on Levy and Gajeel and neither are you!!" Erza spoke in a commanding tone, we all coward in fear except Mira. She was never afraid of Erza, and Erza was never afraid of her. "Well how about a sleep over??" Mirajane suggested, we all nodded in agreement and began to talk.

3rd Person P.O.V

As the young girl sat on her bed with her knees up to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs, the only sound was the clock ticking each second. The girls eyes were dull and emotionless, the girl sighed. "Why now...." She spoke dulfully, "why must you return now..." The girl now stood up and walked over to her mirror, her short white hair looked neat and tidy as if she just brushed it, her grey long sleeved top looked baggy on her as if it were a couple of sizes to big, the long black pants she wore touched the ground, hiding her feet. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and sniffed, "my life.... it was getting better....." She spoke, her voice angrier then what it originally was. "But now I can see the others" she spoke as she calmed herself down and put a smile on her face, her face then went from soft and calm to strong and determined, "and we will destroy Zeref!! Because I know that only we can!!" She exclaimed.

The silence of the room ended with a knock at her door, as it slowly creaked open to reveal Libra, "Yukino, are you alright??" She heard her ask, Yukino wiped her eyes, turning to Libra with a smile. "I'm fine, really, you don't need to worry" Yukino replied, Libras face softened, and from the movement of the scarf that covers her mouth, it looked like she was smiling underneath. Libra nodded and walked out shutting the door behind her, Yukino turned back to the mirror and smiled, "just you wait Zeref, you will regret hurting us!!" Yukino spoke with determination in her voice.

Suddenly the window burst open, causing Yukino to jump in fright. A bright light could be seen in her vision and quick flashes of different scenes played in her head.

The Gangs all stood there in battle stances, focusing on the cloud of dust in front of them
A Figure stood there, there face was shadowed, as they laughed evilly with bodies all around them of members in which she knew
A loud high pitched scream was heard as blood was splattered on the wall, a figure with blue hair laid there as a puddle of blood was spread around them
A loud cry was heard as a girl sat over the dieing figure, the girl stopped cry and began screaming in pain as her shadow showed her clenching her head in pain
Two figures stood there as they were shadowed by the dust, their eyes were glowing red circles and large tentacle like arms were sprawled out of ones back, while large ripped wings were sprawled out of the other

Yukino fell to the ground clenching her head in pain, sweat slid down her face as she puffed and panted, tears began forming in her eyes as she sat her back against her bed and brang her knees up to her chest. "No!! No crying!! I will fix this!!" Yukino exclaimed as she wiped away any tears that threatened her eyes and stood up, walking over to her mirror and staring at her reflection. "They can't do this.... He's too strong..." She spoke, "I have to stop it.... But I can't do it alone.... I need help..." A thought suddenly popped into her head and she ran over to her closet and pulled out a bag. She then ran over to her drawers and began pulling out clothes and folding them, then placing them in her bag, she reached into her bed side table and pulled out a large pouch filled with money and placing it in her pocket.

Yukino walked over to her desk and began writing down something before folding it, looking at herself in the mirror, she wore a pair of high wasted ripped jeans, a black see-through top and a black leather jacket, she quickly grabbed her bag placing it on her back and opening her window, jumping out after taking a quick glance in her room and smiling.

Fairytail- A two faced Nerd Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum