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Picture by:molybdenumgp031

At the village
"Sakura and (YN) look for a Inn for us to stay while Naruto and I find some food" Kakashi-sensei ordered
Sakura and you walked in silence you didn't mind it the village was beautiful, it felt peaceful.
The two of you ended up agreeing on the inn..well you let Sakura decide. A room for the guys and a room for the girls plus bath house! You couldn't complain you unpacked your stuff in the room
"(YN) I'm going to the bath house wanna join" she smiled
"Sure" you might as well the guys will probably be back soon, you grabbed your towel and followed her out the room. A few doors down you see a girl with red hair slam the sliding door shut. "She seems angry" you whispered to Sakura, as you said that her head twitched and she glared at both of you.
"Hahaha she heard us" you both giggled
Both of you carried on walking shortly behind her "she seems to be heading in the same direction" you noted "yhh maybe we should ask her to join us she looks like she's by herself" Sakura suggested
"Excuse me" you tapped her on her shoulder she turned around her face was red and fuming.
"What! decided to talk about me to my face!!"
She stepped closer, so you stepped even closer if she's trying to intimidate you she picked the wrong person. "And if I was, what are you going to do about" you smirked and lowered you voice.
She pushed her glasses up with her index finger
"Want to find out" she smiled
"Gladly" you replied
She threw a punch which you easily stopped with one hand, while returning a kick to the stomach. You didn't put much force into it but it sent her into the wall.
Sakura rushed over to her " I'm so sorry for (YN) actions are you okay?" Everyone was staring and scared
"Ahh sorry everyone I got a bit carried away" you bowed repeatedly.
"Your friend...over there.. is pretty strong I sense she...has a vast amount of chakra as if she's an uzumaki" red haired girl stood up dusting her self off
"Ohhh uzumaki? no but her clan is a relative" Sakura glanced over at me
You walked over
"Soo are we cool now that you got your ass beat" you said to the red head girl. "Whatever" she replied
" anyways we wanted to ask if you would like to join us in the bath house since you seem to be by yourself" Sakura said while the three of us continued into the women's section. "Sure" she replied bluntly.

*three of you relaxing in the water*
"So what's your name?" You asked resting you head on one hand.
"Karin uzumaki" she took her glasses off
"Uzumaki?!" You said surprised along with Sakura
" just like Naruto? Are you his long lost sister" You smiled thinking of Naruto having a sister
"Err no I don't recall having a brother called Naruto" she gave a puzzled look
"What are your names?" Karin asked
"I'm Sakura haruno And this is (YN) (LN)" she pointed to you
"Did you travel with anyone you seemed pretty angry earlier" Sakura asked sinking further into the blissful water
"Ahhh yes a very hot hot guy" she started daydreaming
"Oooooo tell us more" you and Sakura shifted closer with evil grins
"Ahh wellll he's dark haired...super strong...not very emotional but hot..muscles..very hot" her face started heating up
"Reminds me of Sasuke-kun" Sakura sighed and drifted back to her original place.
Karin stood up
"Thank you for accompanying me tonight" she bowed and left
"Ummm okayy" you scratched your head
"What if she knew Sasuke" your eyes widen and dashed after her in a towel.
"(YN) wait for me" Sakura followed behind.

It was getting late and it seemed that everyone in the whole village was attending this bath house.
You tired to manoeuvre through the crowed without pushing anyone. "This is impossible..she getting away" you made it back to where your rooms were and saw red hair enter one of the rooms.
You ran and opened the door.
"Umm (YN) what are you doing?" Karin asked
"Do you know who Sasuke uchiha is?" You said breathing heavily.
"No why" she was expression less
" you left as soon as Sakura said his name" you walked in and Sakura joined you
" no I left because I was tired " she replied fixing her glasses
"Ok sorry" you walked out. You have a gut feeling that she lying but you don't have proof.
Both you and Sakura walk back to your room you stop before opening the door. you hear loads of chatter in the boys room of more than two people.
"Wait (YN) -" Sakura is interrupted by you sliding the door open
"(YN)-chan Sakura-chan your -" Naruto stops mid sentence. You Look at everyone staring at you and a certain someone...Neji
You realise that your in a towel that can barley fit around your chest with three guys staring at you with nose bleeds.
"Ekkkk" sliding the door shut and dashing into ur room
Sakura follows you she was already dressed.
"Here (YN) you left ur clothes in the bath house" Sakura handed you your clothes
"Thank you Sakura I was soo caught up on Karin.." you both giggled.

Entering the room again with flushed cheeks Neji mentions you sit next to him. The food was laid out on the table you were so hungry and wondering why Neji was here. Everyone tucks In and Naruto starts sharing a story about him and jiraiya- sensei
"Soo you tell me to sit next you but you won't speak to me" You say so only he and you can hear, you shoot a glance at Neji who is already looking at you.
"You didn't even greet me" he smirks closing his eyes
"Haha fine hello Neji how are you?, what you doing here?" you face him he shifts closer "better now" he's eyes glisten in the moon light seeping through the window. It's almost as if he can see straight through you.
"Better now haha" you mock tucking loose strands of (F/C) hair behind your ear simultaneously looking down. "When did Neji become a sweet talker?" You thought.
"You still didn't answer my question why are you here?" You looked back at Naruto who was very animated in telling his story.
"Just passing by I'm going back to the village" his hand moving closer to yours under the table you can feel the heat radiating off his his hand.
"He wasn't acting like this during the 3 years Naruto was gone..I need air" You said in your head
You got up and opened the sliding doors to the outside.
"What's gotten into you Neji" you whispered. Does he like...me? Neji..no way he hasn't shown any affection to any girl like..ever but - the sound of the sliding door ruins your trail of thought.
"(YN) are you okay?" Neji asks with a worried look
"I'm fine Neji just needed some air, you don't need to worry about me" you place a hand on his chest
He holds your arm and brings you closer looking deep into your eyes.
His eyes soft and inviting.
"(YN) I will always worry about you...I care about you" his voice smooth
*crack* a tree branch fell to the ground interrupting you and Neji.
Neji stands in front of you holding you back.
" just a tree branch" he sighs putting his kunai away
Everyone inside has gone to sleep
"See you In the morning" you smile and travel to your room. Your heart was racing Neji was acting like he liked you..maybe you should ask him..no thats embarrassing especially if he says no.
You drifted to sleep thinking about Neji but also Sasuke.
"(YN) (YN)..." you open your eyes to see a figure hovering over you....

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