Chapter 1, "A Creepypasta Love Story"

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP!* I wake up to my alarm.  It's Friday so it's only one day until the weekend. I get up and turn on music. I listen to Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey. I'm the kind of kid you would call a pastel goth. My hair was a pastel pink and my outfits always were black with a little bit mix of color. My makeup was always on the darker side. I had a lot of friends in my school believe it or not. 

That's only because mostly in my school there were emos, goths, and punks. There was there fair share of basic girls and bad girls and your jocks and nerds. Our school had a lot of kids in it. I walked to school every day.  It wasn't a far walk I'd say maybe a good mile. But I enjoyed it. After all, I was in the county surrounded by trees and small houses. I always listened to music on my way to school. It was kinda like my safe place. I listen to a Falling in Reverse song "The Drug In Me Is You" and a whole bunch of other music. I walk there with my usual speed starting to walk there at Seven Fifteen. It was one of those days where you find it hard to do things especially these types of things like going to school. That was basically all because I was tired so it really was no big deal. This time of year it was still a little bit dark out and it was foggy out which was pretty cool. The cars were at a minimum and the trucks were as well. It was definitly weird but I didn't question it. As I was walking I saw a man in the distance. He had his head down and he was walking slowly. I slowed my pace while walking. This man wasn't very tall. Maybe 5ft 8. Although me being 5'2 that was big. I finally was right next the to the man he stopped right in front of me. "Um... I need to get past you i need to go to school." He just stood there with his head down. A few minutes of silence go past. Finally, he lifted his head only to show something horrifying. His face was all stitched up. His skin was tan and his eyes a bluish green. He looked at me then walked past me like nothing had happened. I found myself running the whole way to school. Once I finally made it I threw open the door and ran to my group of friends.

  "Monika!" Kylie screamed. "Why the hell is Richie flirting with you all of a sudden?!" As you could tell just by her obsession with boys shes a scene girl. She is only in the gothic and emo style because she likes the style. She doesn't act like the rest of us. "Kylie I have no idea why that waste of human garbage is talking to me." And as you can tell from Monika's tone of voice She's a goth just a regular goth.  She only wears black and she paints her face white along with dark black makeup and drawn on eyebrows and contact lenses mostly red but every now and then you'll find her wearing yellow or orange. My focus goes over to Sofia, Jordan, and Lilly.  "Uh, guys whats going on?" I ask. Jordan looks at me. Jordan' wells he's what you describe as a punk rocker. He rolls his eyes "They're fighting over boys as usual." I could sense the annoyance in his tone. He hated anything that had to do with relationships. I turn to Sofia and she looks at me with her hair in her face. Shes what people describe as an emo. Her face is always covered by her hair and always a different color. mostly grey and black and dark colors. Then I turn to Lilly who is a Lolita Goth. Very doll-like and always black clothes. Usually puffy dresses never pants or anything along those lines. This was giving me a good distraction from what had just happened. After Fifteen minutes of their complaining, the bell rang. Me and Jordan head to our classes. We were in the same classes. Lilly and Sofia were Freshmen and Monika and Kylie are seniors.

Jordan was a Softmore and I was a junior.  Monika, Kylie and I have been friends since First grade. It really has been such a long time of us being friends. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Classes besides science, English, and Reading were boring. Suddenly it was special time and I went to art class. I was really good in art class and the teacher loved me. The last period of the day was Gym which Jorden hated. He never ran or did anything although the same goes for me. I had to take out all my face jewelry. My  Labret piercing I had to take out along with my eyebrow piercing and my Nose piercing. It was such an annoyance. Finally after "running a mile we got to go home. I walked out of the school with my friends following behind.  forgot today was the day we were supposed to hang out so I decided to text my mom and let her know and walk around town with them. My long straight pink hair blew in the wind. I listened to the sound of birds and other animals as I walked completely ignoring the cars going past us. My friends all joking while all I could think about was that boy. Now that I remembered his face and thought about it he was actually very handsome. Besides all of the stitches. He was so mysterious and so comforting to think about. I guess my friends saw there was something wrong because Jordan put a hand on my shoulder while Sofia Hugged my left arm. I smiled at there sudden care for me. We all sat down at a pizza place the town had and ate. I will admit all the laughing and smiling made my day a little brighter. Although that boy still on my mind was hard to get out of my head. There was just something about him. I couldn't place my finger on it. Something about him I just wanted to know. 

He was just so amazingly weird and so beautiful. It was almost dark I had been out for a good six hours. My friends all lived in town too but none of them close to me. As I walked in the cold dark night the air blew my hair and my skirt more than I imagined it would. I walked for about twenty minutes until I saw the same boy I had seen before leaning on a pole. I walked up to him only for the man to look me in the eyes. "What ya want kid?" He asked me. My eyes widened. His voice was deep and raspy. His lips were pale. His breath hot. "I... I just wanted  to ask you who you are?" His gaze came to me again "And why should I tell you my name?" He hissed in my direction. I backed up almost tripping on a rock. "You don't have to!" I found myself quickly saying then rushing past him. I only got a good foot before he grabbed my shoulder. He turned me around and looked at me in the face. "My name is Liu" He said. I will admit i was a bit surprised that this man was actually telling me his name after all the scary things that just happened. I was so shocked that i forgot to say something. He looked at me confused then he asked "And your name is?..." I finally opened my mouth with enough courage to say my name. "My names Piper." He looked at me then smiled. "That's a very pretty name, Piper." He looked over his shoulder "You should be careful walking these streets at night, there's a lot of sicko's out here." I took in those words but let go of them after a second. "Thank you but I really should be going" He looked at me again but this time I couldn't tell his emotions. Then he finally said something "Alright welp be careful." Then he walked away.

I finally found myself speed walking to my house. As soon as I got home my mother was asleep in her bed. She must have just gotten home from work. I smiled and tucked her in and made dinner for myself. I ate fairly healthy. I had a salad with light salad dressing and some cheese. Once I was done I did dishes and got ready for the weekend. I was going to NYC with my friends.  It was only a two-hour drive but we wanted to spend the whole day there so Jordan told us to be ready by six am. So I went to sleep by Nine so I'd be well rested.

To be continued

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