Oh my gods

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The next morning I'm up at 5:00 for some reason.I usually get up at 6:45.I get up from my bed and turn my bedroom light on.Maybe I should read.But that doesn't sound like very much fun even though it usually does.

And then I decide to look for an outfit.I walk into my closet (no it's not a walk in closet,I just have enough space to walk in).After going through tons of different clothing articles I look at a pile of skirts.I never wear skirts unless I have too.Hanging above the pile of skirts is dresses.My dresses are plain and I barely ever wear them.

Time to change that.I pull a light blue dress that reaches to my knees,has a little ruffle on the bottom,and has spaghetti straps.It looks nice on me and is plain.Thats good.

Scattered across the floor of the closet it my shoes.I pull out my newest converses to wear.The clock now says 5:30.No matter how hard I try I can't fall back asleep and finally give up around 6:00.

No point in trying to sleep.

I hop in the shower and spend at least 25 minutes in the shower.When I'm completely dried off I check the time.6:30.I put on my dress and start brushing it.

The uncontrollable curly locks take longer than I expected to brush.Finally my hair is pulled into a neat ponytail with my curls falling perfectly into place.

I look in the mirror and smile at my appearance.Its kinda nice getting dressed up once in a while.By now it's 6:50 which means I'm going to school in 30 minutes.With time to waste I play sims on my laptop.

My mom comes in the room."Well don't you look fancy schmancy."She says placing a bowl of fruit on my bed."Thanks I guess."I smile shyly.

As the time nears 6:20 I pull on my light blue and black converses.Downstairs I hear my parents running around grabbing what they need for the day.

I pull the strap of my messenger bag onto my shoulder and stuff a jacket into the bag.So far it looks sunny but we live in Washington so you never know.I run down the stairs and wait by the front door.One of my parents should be taking me to school.

"Neither one of us can take you to school.You'll need to ride the bus."My dad says kissing my forehead and rushing out the door.My mom does the same things and leaves behind him.

They leave me standing by the door frowning.I check the time and sprint from my house to the bus stop.I nearly collide into Marcus because,as usual,Im not paying attention.The arrival of the bus stops me from embarrassing myself even more.

I step onto the bus and am thankful it's close to being empty.I sit around the middle and pull The Hobbit from my bag to read.I feel someone sit next to me and slowly lift my eyes to meet Marcus's light green ones.


I finally updated.Please tell me how this stories coming along.


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