8th graders suck

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I step into my school and glare at the girls staring at me.They smirk and look away,dismissing me like a piece of garbage.

As I walk by them I "accidentally" step on the most popular 8th grade girls shoe."You little brat,These are $100 shoes!"

"Oh,I'm so sorry.I guess your foots just to big for me to miss."I say in a fake apologetic voice.

A few people behind me laugh.

The girl,Amber,pushes me."You just wish you were me."She snarls.

"Most girls do,but I don't.Its kinda nice actually having a soul."I glare at her.She glares back.

By now a small crowd has formed and I want to go.

"Take it back,bitch."The older girl pushes me against the wall.I bite my tongue to keep me from saying something I might regret.

It seems that when I need help none of the teachers are ever around.

"Your a waste of breath."Amber hisses before turning and walking away.I can't contain my insult.

"And your just a fake,rich brat with friends who only hang around you for your money."I say to her.She doesn't even turn around to answer.

"At least I have friends."With that said she prances away,her heels clicking on the floor.

I run towards the bathroom trying to keep tears contained.Like I needed another reminder that I'm friendless,freak.

For the first hour of school I'm in the bathroom on Instagram.At least instagramers are nice to me.

When I actually go to class the school day passes fast.I thank the gods today is Friday.I won't see Ambers face all weekend.

On the way outside I bump into somebody while on my phone.

"Watch where you're going."A guys voice says.I look up and meet Marcus's light green eyes.

"Sorry."I sqeauk rushing past him.When I turn around he's looking at me with a peculiar look in his eyes.

I look away and rush towards my moms waiting car.

When I get home I go upstairs and don't come out for the rest of the day.I skip dinner and sit in my room playing flappy bird.Well a ripoff of flappy bird.

I fall into a dreamless sleep.Jk.


For hours I sit in my bed staring at the wall.When sleep still doesn't come I play the sims on my laptop until I pass out around 3 in the morning.

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