Don't hate on my fandoms

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I'm pretty sure every Fangirl has had that moment when someone insults there fandoms.

That just happened.

Can we just take a moment to realize that insulting someone's fandom is like burning their soul.So that's exactly why I'm in the principals office.

I punched a boy in the nose.

He shouldn't have said Divergent is like the Hunger Games.He shouldn't have said The Hunger Games is just another love triangle.

I push my big glasses up on my nose and twist the bracelet on my wrist in circles.It has an infinity sign on it from Tfios(The Fault In Out Stars).

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

All the time I'm spending in the office I could be spending re-reading The Chronicles Of Narnia.

I tap my foot impatiently.The principal is calling my mom in the main office.Its not like my mom will care.She supports me being a fangirl and is currently trying to start a blog with me.

10 minutes later the principle is back in the room.He is a fat man in his late 30s with a bald head and beady eyes.

I hate him.

"Ms.Gardner,why can't you be normal?"Mr.Fanny asks.Yes,that is his name.I glare at him and look out the window.He sighs,"Just go back to class."I smirk and stand."It was so nice seeing you again,Fanny Pack."I turn on my heel and walk from the room.The office ladies glare at me as I pass.They have never really liked me.

In the hall the popular 8th graders stand around looking cool.

I pass by them and pull my shoulder bag onto to my shoulder better.One of them sticks a foot into my path and I expertly hop over it and keep walking.

They stare at me like I'm a disease,and I feel like I am.I lower my head and half run half walk down the rest of the hall.

None of them bother me again,and for that I am grateful.As I turn the corner I look over my shoulder and see him.Marcus,the popular 8th grader every guy wants to be.Instead of a mean,mocking look the girls are giving me he gives me an emotionless look.What an ass.

Room 127.Math class.And there are only 5 minutes left.I plop down into a chair and pull out a book.The boy I punched is holding an ice pack to his nose and shoots me a nasty look.

The final bell rings and I doggy ear the page in my book.

My phone starts ringing and I look at the caller id.My mom."Hello?"I say in a emotionless voice."We are going to HotTopic.There is new fandom merch."She sqeauls into the phone.I semi scream and get looks.

As if on cue my mom is speeding through the parking towards me.She pulls to a dangerous stop and I hop in.

15 minutes later we're at HotTopic.I rush inside and head towards the rack of new shirts.I pull off a Tfios shirt,and the latest Divergent tanktop.The Factions are on the chest with the word Divergent under them.

Along one wall are bags.I grab a MyLittlePony Derpy Hooves backpack and go to find my mom.I find her reading the back of a book."What book is that?"I ask excitedly."Its a love novel about this woman and a hot-"I cut her off,"That's soooo interesting.Im going over there now."

I hear her laugh.Her laugh is a very pretty sound.After we have wiped the store clean of new merchandise we rush home to look at what we got.

My dad comes home and shakes his head at the sight of bags."Is all that related to those fan things you obsess over."My mom and I look up and give him a harsh glare.

"You did not just call them fan things."I hiss.He laughs and leaves the room."Can you remind me why we kept him?"I ask turning to me mom."Because he's your father and my husband."She says laughing.I join in.

I haul the bags up the stair with the help of my mom.I put my new pins on to my messenger bag that is already covered in pins.

My butt pocket starts vibrating and I pull my phone out.A new notification from Instagram.I open the app and find that I have 34 likes,8 followers,and had over 40 comments on my latest post.And this is just on a fan account.


I'm going to try and make the chapters longer.The chapters will probably have more added on and be fixed along the way.I hope everybody who reads this story likes it and will comment how I can improve :)

I do have an instagram @_random_fand0ms46

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