SaTzu 📷 8

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A/N: Tissues *puffs*


(Sana's Side)

"How is she, doc?"

Sana asked in hoping that Tzuyu will only regain back her memories after a few days.

The doctor pulled away from Tzuyu and slung his stethoscope on his neck before he faced Sana.

"Due to the impact of the collision between her car and the truck, it is safe to say that she hit her head hard. And regaining her memories will really take a lot of effort and time." He sighed.

Sana looked down and bit her lower lip, she feel another batch of tears coming.

"But don't worry, she will eventually remember everything. Right now, do not force her to remember things, it'll cause her a massive headache. It's much better if you let her remember the things you two usually do, and eventually she will remember slowly."

Sana nodded, but deep inside she is in the verge of jumping off the building.

"If there is anything you wanted to inquire regarding her condition, I'll be at my office 'til seven in the evening, beyond that I'll be at nine in the morning. I'll take first my leave."

The moment the door shut, Sana's tears went rolling downstream. Hurriedly wiping it, she then face back to Tzuyu.

Sana already informed their parents about Tzuyu's condition, and both of their parents can't directly comeby since they are in the middle of a big conference meeting, but they assured her to be there after two days in time.

"Why are you crying?"

Sana flinched at Tzuyu's sudden question. She really thought that there are no more evidences left in her eyes. But maybe Tzuyu can sense she was crying.

"No, I'm not pabo." Sana smiled before taking her usual spot. Tzuyu looked at her with the usual stoic face.

How can she make Tzuyu remember anything about them when in fact they haven't even started creating memories yet. She haven't even make a move on how to make Tzuyu fall for her.

This sucks.

Maybe starting off from explaining who Tzuyu is, is what's the best thing for now.

"I can feel your tears." Tzuyu whispered.

And she didn't know that her tears were on the loose again not until she felt Tzuyu's thumb wiping off her cheeks.

The moment she looked at Tzuyu who had a concerned eyes, she suddenly became vulnerable and stopped holding her tears back.

She was crying like a lost child. She cried even harder under Tzuyu's touch who didn't even bother pulling hand away and just let Sana drenched it with painful tears.

"Please, stop crying."

Sana cried even more after Tzuyu's concerned advise.

The younger one used her other hand to wipe Sana's nonstop tears.

"I don't like seeing you cry." Tzuyu whispered. "I may not remember who you are and what you are to me, but I can feel that I am someone special to you."

Sana jumped and hugged Tzuyu as cried harder under the latter's neck.

"It must be hard for you," Tzuyu whispered while rubbing her back and hugging her back with one arm. "But you don't have to worry, the doctor said I'm going to remember things, right?"

Sana nodded without moving herself, tears kept falling, bathing Tzuyu's shirt.

"You must stop crying," Tzuyu pushed Sana off a bit without breaking the hug. "Your eyes are puffy already." She then wiped it off with her hands. "Well, you must introduce yourself first." She gave a small smile making Sana pull away with a sniff.

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