SaTzu 📷 1

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A/N: You already know why it is published. :) I'm a good dealer, y'know. ;)


(Sana's Side)

Flashes here, flashes there.  That's how a celebrity's life is.

Minatozaki Sana, one of the members in a famous girl band called Twice. And right now, Twice are walking down the red carpet for the Melon Music Awards night.

"SANA-SSI! SANA-SSI!" A guy shouted. "LOOK OVER HERE!"

When the said girl turned around, the guy immediately flashed his camera—and many more random photographers shouting their names to get a better picture.

After lining up and do a series of pose on a mini stage outside the venue, they were then guided by their managers to proceed.

Walking slowly while waving and flashing their utmost bright smile they muster.

After Sana gave random grins here and there, she felt tired—her mouth suddenly froze up after smiling. Her smile dropped down as she concentrated on walking towards the entrance (which is still fifty meters away). And boy, how she wanted to rest inside not until someone caught her eye.

A photographer.

. . . with a long hair?

Her eyes glued at the latter who had a camera infront of his face. Sana knew that the latter was taking pictures of her.

Sana smiled and wave.

As she moved closer, the photographer held down his camera to checked the captured images.

Sana's heart skipped a beat.

And her heart skipped another beat when the photographer looked at her with a smile and a thumbs up.

'Oh my God. . . OH MY GOD,' She thought. 'Who is she?' Random zebras suddenly went running inside her stomach.

Yes, the one who caught her eyes was a female photographer with a very cute dimple that is deepening during her handsome grin.

Sana mouth agape while staring at the latter who is now busy taking pictures of her other members. Her world slowed down when she saw her kneeling on the side railings to get a better angle at them.

Turning around, she saw how her co-members pose beautifully infront of her. Her brow twitched. And she knows she's jealous.

Funny, right? She really felt jealousy. Does she really have to feel that way? No way, right?

Well, no need to answer since she already went back to the others and pose infront of them making the others groan.

"Yah! Sana!" Nayeon pushed the squirrel playfully away from them since she was clearly blocking her.

"You're already done, go away!" Jihyo joked earning a pout from the latter.

Sana didn't give up, she went a bit closer so that the photographer will only focus on her.

But then again, the girl-on-camera shifted away from her and took more photos of the other members.

Her brow twitched. She was about to say something when their manager called them saying to come inside now.

Sana gave a last look at the girl who is now taking pictures with the other lined-up idols.

'I'll get to know you, just wait.'

She turned away with a small smile as she walked closer to the others.

Sana promised herself she'll get know who is that photographer.

Capturing the Photographer's heart: Book 1 (SaTzu)Where stories live. Discover now