Chapter 30

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It's been nearly a year since I was last on here but I'm back now I hope you enjoy the last chapter of this book... it's gonna be a long one

Astrid PoV

I watched as Viggo took the dragon eye into his tent and waited for him to return. "So Freya, anything new to discuss?" He asked.

"Other than your friend being successful in stealing the dragon eye, which you already know about, there's nothing new" I replied calmly. Viggo smiled "in that case I will show you to your tent, that is if you would like to stay for the night"

This was my opportunity "its late so I think I will" as I said this Viggo started to show me to my tent. I waited until everyone had gone to sleep before I snook out and attempted to find my way to Viggo's tent in the dark.

Luckily Viggo hadn't gone to sleep in this tent so I was good to look around. It wasn't long before I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the Dragon Eye and silently ran to where I had left Shadow. "Take this back to Hiccup" I said handing her the dragon eye, she took it in her mouth and flew away. I quickly and quietly returned to my tent.

Hiccup POV

It was stupidly late and I still couldn't sleep. It had been days since anyone last saw Astrid and even then nobody knew where she had disappeared to. Just as I thought I couldn't worry about her any more I saw Shadow, on her own, with something.

She bounded over to me and dropped a very slobbery Dragon Eye at my feet. "Thanks girl" I said fussing her I picked it up and took it to my hut. "Come on bud we're gonna go find Astrid" I said waking Toothless "lead the way Shadow" I added.

We flew towards the dragon hunters island and the closer we got the worse my feeling got. It wasn't long before they started shooting at us. Great. The element of surprise was gone.

Astrid POV

"HIT THE NIGHT FURY!" I heard someone yell waking me up shortly followed by "but which one?" Oh gods, Hiccup had come with Toothless. I quickly got dressed and pulled my hood over my hair and my mask over my face. Time for action.

The sight that I came out to was one of the worst I could have seen. Not only had Hiccup come to find me but he was alone and now he along with both of our dragons had been captured. I wanted to help them there and then but then I would blow my cover and they would know the Dragon Eye was gone.

I watched as the threw Hiccup into their jail cages and dragged a struggling Toothless to another cage. The man came back for Shadow but she didn't struggle. I could only assume she was playing dead in attempt to try to get more help.

Once everything had settled again and I was sure everyone had gone to sleep I changed into my regular clothes so that if I was caught they wouldn't know it was me. I sent a terrible terror back to the edge to send a message to Heather and went to where they were keeping Hiccup.

"Astrid?" He asked confused "what are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed something to break the lock with "I was here to get the Dragon Eye back, I was going to wait until tomorrow night and then disappear then" I had finally managed to get his cage open. We carried on talking quietly while we opened the remaining cages. Two Deadly Nadders, one Speed Stinger, a Skrill and finally Shadow.

Hiccup befriended most of the dragons we had freed with the exception of the Skrill which just flew off. "Hiccup! Somethings wrong with Shadow" I could hear the panic in my own voice. My best friend still wasn't moving, she didn't even look up at me when I begged her to get up.

"I'm so sorry Astrid, we're too late, I didn't know her injuries were that bad" he said sadly as he helped me up. He led me to a beautifully blue and gold Nadder "I know it's hard to leave but they're gonna realise the Eye is gone soon and we can't be here when they do" I jumped up on the Nadders back and followed Hiccup and Toothless.

They were going to pay for this.

Heather PoV

It felt like I had only slept for two minutes before a Terrible Terror was waking me up with his screeches. I sleepily read the message he was carrying.

Heather, I know you probably don't care about what happens to me but Hiccup is in trouble. I don't know if I can get him out of this myself we're on the dragon Hunters island if I'm successful in getting him out you'll fly into him on the way over, if not then I probably got myself killed trying to save him. Keep him out of trouble if you can, Astrid

Naturally without even thinking I got Windsheer up and off we went. I hoped to the gods that Hiccup was on his way already. About half way to their island I saw two dragons flying towards me. One was definitely Toothless which meant that Hiccup was okay, the other one I didn't recognise but I did recognise the rider. Astrid.

Astrid PoV

So heather had got my message. Windsheer flew on the air for a few seconds before turning around and leading the way back. When we landed back on the Edge I jumped down off my new friend and petted her.

"HICCUP..." heather started to shout before realising that he wasn't paying any attention to her. Instead he had started following me and Stormfly. I found somewhere isolated and sat down, Stormfly by my side. Hiccup sat next to me and the dragons played "its okay to feel sad, or to want to cry, you lost your best friend today, it's completely normal" he said trying to comfort me.

That was when I lost it, I burst into tears "he has to pay for what he's done" I said between sobs. He cupped his hands around my cheeks "he will, I promise" he whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. He walked me back to my hut and I crawled into bed, Stormfly curled up downstairs.

Early the next morning we all got ready to take on Viggo. We all flew to his island and the battle started. Riders and dragons fighting hunters and before long we were joined by all the dragons from my nest and from the sanctuary. There was no way we could lose.

~time skip~

We had finally won. Yes I had been injured and yes I was bleeding but it had been worth it to see Viggo and his psycho dragon hunters defeated. Hiccup ran over to me "Astrid you're hurt..." he started. I rolled my eyes and replied "I'm fine" I mumbled "just a few minor scratches"

"You sure you're fine?" He asked my only reply was to kiss him. That was the only way I had figured I could get him to stop asking. "See I'm fine" I laughed, I had gotten my revenge for my best friend and on top of that I had finally kissed the man I loved. It took a while for me to realise it but it was true. We flew back to the edge to pack our things before taking of again following Hiccup until we got to his home island.

The island looked strangely familiar. I couldn't figure out why until their chief came striding down the stairs. "Hiccup! You're back!" He squeezed Hiccup so much I thought he would break a rib "who's the girl" he asked quieter but not quiet enough.

"I'm Astrid Hofferson" I introduced myself. Even Hiccup turned around and looked surprised at me "wait, Astrid, you're a Hofferson?" I had no idea what the significance was but it seemed important. Next thing I know a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, old enough to be my mother, cane running over "is it really you? After all these years?" She had started crying.

Lost for words I stared blankly as Hiccup whispered "that's you mom Astrid, you're home" at those words I realised it all made sense. The island looked familiar because I lived here it might have been eight years ago but this had once been my home. I was finally home and Hiccup was here with me.

So that's it guys I hope you all enjoyed it if you have any story requests feel free to message!! Thank you for being so supportive and for not leaving even though I was away for nearly a year love you all ❤️

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