Chapter 27

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We finally reached the dragon sanctuary "Shadow stay, you two stay here I'll be right back" I said before looking for Valka.

"Hey Astrid, what brings you back so soon?" Valka asked walking up behind me "I have two friends in danger and I was hoping they could stay here for a while" she thought for a while "do you trust them?"

"One of them I'm still unsure about, I need to ask him some questions but I trust the girl" I answered honestly. "Let me see them" she said as we walked to the exit and then towards Heather Dagur Windsheer and Shadow.

"Oh, you're back, I was just about to explaining to Heather why I turned my back on Viggo" Dagur said cheerily "so there I was, stranded, all ships except for the one Viggo and Ryker were on, completely destroyed" he started dramatically. "I had hours, and hours, and hours, and hours and hours to think about things. One thing I realised was that, revenge was eating me from the inside it was slowly making me insane"

I heard a sly "you're already insane" from Heather and tried not to laugh. "I realised that to Viggo I was expendable he didn't care if I was with him or not, he didn't need me, not like he thinks he needs you Astrid" that grabbed my attention "what do you mean like he thinks he needs me?"

"As far as he's concerned you were sent by the gods to help them in their mission, he still doesn't know that you're with the riders" he paused and carried on with his story. I had an idea, stupid and crazy but it was an idea. "I'll be right back" I said before flying away with Shadow.

When I reached the Edge I noticed Hiccup Tuffnnut and Ruffnut were all gone. "Hey Astrid is back!" Fishlegs shouted Snotlout came over "we have a slight problem, Hiccup and the twins left to search for you and Heather and we came back here but by then Vigo had already found and taken the Dragon Eye"

"Okay, when Hiccup gets back just let him know I've gone to the sanctuary, he'll know what I mean" I replied before taking off again. I headed straight for my hut to get changed before heading to Viggo's base.

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