Chapter 25

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It's been ages since I was on here last but internet has been ridiculously bad but I got some wifi again so here's another chapter I hope you enjoy ❤️

Amber was settling in nicely and that's when I started to panic again. Shadow still hadn't come back with Astrid and Heather had left to try finding them and she hadn't returned either. I paced for a few minutes "Ruff, Tuff, come with me" I said before leaving the clubhouse to call Barf Belch and Toothless.

"Hiccup, I swear I didn't do it" they said in unison "I haven't accused you of anything" I replied calmly. I packed Toothless' saddle bag and told the twins to do the same. While they did that I went back to the clubhouse "Snotlout, Fishlegs I need you stay here while I'm gone, Fishlegs is in charge until I get back"

I ran back to the twins and climbed onto Toothless's back and we took off in the direction I saw Shadow go a few days ago. "Keep an eye out for Astrid and Heather, they could be anywhere" I called over to them.

It got dark quickly and a storm started so we had to land. "We'll make camp here for the night" I stated "guys we have to be quiet at least until we know this island is safe" I made sure they understood before we split up to check out the island.

Astrid POV

"And I should trust you because?" I asked suspiciously. Even Heather agreed with me "you've tried to kill us multiple times, why would you suddenly want to help us now?" She asked just as suspiciously.

As soon as he left I turned to Heather as much as I could "do you think we can trust him? I mean after everything he's done to you guys?" Heather avoided the question.

"If he helps us that's great but if he isn't going to help we have to get ourselves out" she replied whilst attempting to shuffle. "Fine, keep still okay" I whispered I grabbed a small nail I had noticed lying on the floor and started trying to cut Heather's ropes. Eventually they broke "okay your turn to let me out" I said turning round so she could get to the ropes tying my hands behind my back.

It wasn't long before we were both free from the ropes "next challenge is getting out of this cell" Heather stated obviously. We both heard someone coming and went back to where we had been sitting when we were tied up. The lock made a noise and Dagur walked in "told you I wanted to help" he jingled the keys a little before Heather and I stood up.

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