Chapter 13

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I'm back off holiday so here's the first chapter for today ❤️

By the time I got back to The Edge it was late and almost everyone was asleep. "Where have you been?" Hiccup asked from behind where I had landed. "Hiccup, just the guy I was looking for" I said before pulling him up onto Shadow's back.

"Toothless, look after the gang" I said before taking off. "Where are we going? What's happening? This could probably be considered as kidnapping you know" Hiccup rambled while I whispered to Shadow where we were going.

"We're going to a dragon sanctuary, there's something there I need to show you and no it's not kidnapping it's a surprise" I answered. Before long Shadow had to land "we walk from here Shadow, you stay at the back" I said starting to lead the way.

We ducked through passageways and Shadow helped us over various obstacles until we found the large ice cave. "Hmm, she should be here" I mumbled "okay then" I wandered over to the main area of the dragon sanctuary and heard Hiccup gasp as he saw the hundreds o dragons flying around.

"VAL! YOU HERE?" I called as loudly as I could. There was no response "CLOUDJUMPER!" Still nothing. "Astrid? What are we doing here? Don't get me wrong it's an amazing place but why did you bring me here so late and without telling the others?"

"I wanted to surprise you but she's not here so.... Val?" I interrupted myself "here he is, Hiccup Haddock" I smiled. Valka walked over, well, crawled over and removed her mask. "Hiccup?" She questioned. Hiccup who was now extremely confused backed away a little "is it really you?" Valka stood up.

"Should I know you?" He asked Shadow started nudging me so I followed her while Hiccup and Valka caught up.

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