Chapter 12

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I made my way to the excessive yelling and stayed out of sight. "Astrid?" Heather said sounding slightly calmer I looked around wondering how she had seen me. Hiccup shuffled from his foot to his prosthetic and back again "yeah" he mumbled.

"Fine, if that's how it is then I suppose there is nothing I can do about it" Heather replied before walking away. "I got you into trouble didn't I?" Hiccup jumped as I spoke "wh.... How, how long have you been there?" He asked nervously.

I laughed a little "long enough to know Heather isn't mad at you, she's probably mad at me but she's nothing I can't handle" I smiled. Hiccup seemed nervous "alright I've tried ignoring your sudden awkwardness but I can't, what wrong?" I asked.

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong, I mean, I guess I need to talk to this girl, I like her a lot, but I don't know if she likes me" he stuttered. I smiled at how cute he was while stuttering "I'm sure she does, you're really cool" I paused "I mean how can anyone not like you" I added a little louder than I had meant to.

"There's only one way to find out you know, tell her" I said turning to walk back to Shadow. Hiccup grabbed my arm "Astrid, I...." He started before Tuffnut fell out of the sky shortly followed by Ruffnut and Barf an Belch. "Okay, that hurt" Tuffnut said before falling over again. Hiccup rolled his eyes and helped them both up "what are you guys doing? Wait, don't answer that"

"Hey Hiccup, when you've got some spare time there's something I haven't told you yet that you should know, I'll be back later just need to deal with something" I said before jumping on Shadow's back and flying off again.

It wasn't long before I arrived at the dragon sanctuary "Valka? You here?" I called hoping for an answer. "I'm in here!" She called back, I followed the sound to the large ice cave "what's the matter?" She asked.

"Hiccup Haddock" with those two words I grabbed her attention "Hiccup? You've seen him? How is he? Is he here?" She asked. I smiled knowing how much she missed him "yes I've seen him, he's fine, missing a leg but he's fine and no he's not here, I figured I would check it's fine with you before I bring him"

I didn't need to wait for an answer to know that she wanted me to bring Hiccup to her "I'll be back later, come on Shadow lets get back"

I'm on holiday for a week so I'll try to update while I'm away but there's no promises as I have no idea what the Internet will be like hope you're all enjoying the story so far ❤️

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