Chapter Thirty-Eight - Something's Happened

Start from the beginning

"Is he alright?" I questioned, watching his features contort with different emotions.


I took a deep breath. "Is he dead?"

Samuel closed his eyes. "Not yet."

My breathing increased as my heart started beating rapidly. I tried my best to keep my composure, but I knew that if Samuel didn't tell me what happened soon, I would lose it.

"What happened?"

Samuel's voice was harsh. "I don't know. I have no idea how it happened. I didn't know anything had even happened. But," He hesitated, stiffly rubbing the back of his neck. "Will is shifting."

"Shifting?" I repeated, letting out a half-crazed laugh. "Shifting? Into what? One of you?" I shook my head fervently. "That's not possible. You're insane."

"He was bitten, Samantha. Quite a while ago. It's been in his system long enough that it's starting to take over."

My jaw was left hanging half open as my eyes widened. Samuel's words were left suspended in the air, waiting for me to catch hold of them. I couldn't, though. I refused.

"That's not possible. He's been in the hospital this whole time. He's been asleep this whole time. There's no way anyone could have gotten to him!" My voice was growing louder with each question that left my mouth as I tried, desperately, to deny what Samuel was telling me. "Why would anyone want Will? Wouldn't someone have noticed the bite? Why didn't anyone say anything?"

I was in hysterics now, repeating the same sentences over and over again. At some point during my small breakdown, Samuel walked over to my chair, pulled me off, and into his arms. They did little to calm me, as enough tension for the both of us was straining his muscles.

After a moment of standing there in his arms, what Samuel was saying had finally sunk in. Then, it all made sense. The sudden and miraculous healing Will had done in the days that I'd been gone. The fact that he needed no more surgeries, or anything, to aid him in the process. The only thing we'd been waiting for Will to do was to wake up. And now that he finally was, it was in the worst way possible.

"Where is he?" I let out half a yell, pushing back against Samuel's chest. He immediately let go of me but still held me at arm's length. When he didn't answer my question, I repeated myself, fully letting out a scream. "Where is he?"

Samuel closed his eyes. "The doctors sedated him, but Riley is on his way over there right now. He's going to take care of it."

"Take-take care of it?" My eyes widened, and I immediately gripped Samuel's arms harshly. "Riley can't do anything to him. We have to go and get him, now!"

I ripped myself away from Samuel, much to his surprise. Before he could grab me, I ran to my bedroom and threw the blanket on the ground, grabbing a sweatshirt in the same motion. As I reached for my shoes, however, Samuel caught up.

"Samantha, just calm down. Riley's not going to hurt him."

Samuel grabbed my shoes from the floor, and I frantically reached for them. He danced around me though, bringing us both back out into the kitchen.

"Give me my shoes!" I demanded, my voice growing louder by the second. When he refused and held them high above his head, I screamed in frustration. However, I didn't let that deter me. Before Samuel knew what was happening, I dove around him and sprinted for the front door. I heard my shoes drop to the ground as Samuel jumped after me, easily catching hold of my wrist.

"Let go!" I screeched, crying now. "He's going to kill him! I have to get to him before Riley does!"

Samuel stilled, complete and utter confusion taking the place of his anger. My words rang sharply through the air, and he looked at me like I was half mad. In reality, I knew exactly what was going on. Somehow, I'd screwed up, and Riley was going to kill my brother as consequence.

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