"Bye Blade." I cooed as he gave me licks of love before I left. Locking my front door, I got into my car and drove off to the company. I took a quick stop at Dunkin Donuts buying five dozen donuts for the employees and five coffee containers. Why not decide to treat your workers?

Parking my car I called Ashley for assistance with carrying all the food. She agreed quickly only to make sure she'll get her Boston cream. I called the entire building to come into the meeting office to get a snack.

"Good morning Mr. Pierce. Thank you for the food." James said. "Thank you Mr. Pierce." a reply that I continue to hear as I watch enough of my employee take a donut or two and a cup of coffee.

I personally took my glaze, Boston cream, and vanilla sprinkles with a cup of coffee and went straight to my office. As much as I would love to chat and enjoy the company I do have work to start. I made sure to let everyone have 15 minutes before going back to work.

"Ms. Jackson, can you come here please?" I spoke through the intercom. Taking a bite out of my donut, I opened my laptop beginning to type my daily worksheets. Amanda walked in and sat in front of me along with her laptop and donut in her hand.

"Did you finish the excel sheet?" I asked. "Almost, I have one more sheet to complete and then I'll start on Ms. Donald's expenses." "Great I need you to go to the copy machine and print out 200 copies of this sheet and give it to James so he can send them out." I assigned. 

"Sure, I just have a question," she said. "Ask away." "Do you like Rose?" I coughed hysterically. "I take that as a yes." I watched as she left the room finishing her donut. How can I like someone that I barely know, why assume such an assumption? Ignoring her question, I continued my work. There was a lot of preparation needed to be done before April. I had a goal of helping over 1,000 people with their finances and projecting journalism through politics.

With being the manager of this company I have the chance of becoming #1 in the month of April. In April, I get to attend a company's dinner that will announce who gets the title "#1 Best EPC". I personally don't care about the fame but rather making a difference. So I'm thankful that I was able to be seen as not a man of money but rather a servant to society.

The morning went by as I processed papers, signed and sent out forms, reread contracts, and talked to clients. I believe my favorite part as a boss is talking to clients. I get to hear their stories of how life didn't seem to go the way they planned. Some say they weren't ready to move out. Or they weren't ready to have a gift brought after nine months. Other sadly have lost their jobs or is financially in debt with loans.

As a man of faith, I sympathize with what they are going through. I sometimes ask them if they believe in reasoning if this situation was an "everything happens for a reason" situation and life will get better down the road. Some said yes, other's didn't understand. A few figured where I was coming from and even asked to elaborate.

Personally, I pray for all my clients in whatever they may be going through, I know my God is faithful and He'll deliver them.


"Amanda, I need you to go and visit Rose at the cafe," I informed. "I can't tonight. My mom needs some help with the twins so I told her I would be there around 6:30." "It's 6 and you're telling me this now?" I sneered. "Did I not tell you? I'm sorry." She replied. That apology was insincere. Pressing on my intercom I spoke, "Ashley would you mind giving me Ms. Kamson's number?" I questioned. "Yes, sir." Writing the number on a piece of paper, I ended the call.

"Can you give Amir and Alyssa these gifts?" I handed Amanda a huge gift bag filled with bears, diapers, blankets, and each a necklace with their name on it. "Sure. By the way, today is payday for me." She smirked.

"Funny, I thought it was tomorrow morning," I smirked back. Rolling her eyes, she groaned walking out my office. Time read 6:15 as I grabbed my car keys and package papers. Before leaving, I made a quick call to Rose making sure she knew it was I who she'll be seeing.

"Hello." She echoed through the phone. "Hey Ms. Kamson, I uh just wanted to let you know that I'll be seeing you in the cafe tonight not Amanda." "Oh okay, any reason why?" "Personal issues," I commented. "Alright, see you soon." "See you." I hung up.

Leaving my office, I stopped by Rachel's office to sign a few papers and finally walked out of the building. Crossing the street I reached the cafe walking in. Spotting Rose in the middle of the cafe I walked to the table and sat across from her.

I couldn't help but admire the outfit she was wearing. Simple but yet stylish. A white tank top, blue jeans, a blue jean jacket and black sneakers. "Hey, Ms. Kamson." "Hey, Mr. Pierce." Sitting down in front of her I ordered a glass of lemonade.

"How has your day been so far?" I wondered getting myself comfortable. "It's been alright. Doing work and living life I guess. What about you?" "Work as always. Managing a business." I told. "How has Amanda been doing?" She questioned.

"She's been alright. I think she starting to feel tired of all the paperwork though." I chuckled. "Well, this is a paid internship. But I could always help her if she needs it." She smiled as an open opportunity. "Haha, nice try." She sighed in defeat.

Sliding over the envelope, I accidentally touched her hand causing me to pull away rapidly. Her eyes flickered and I watched as her cheeks slowly lit up with a rose color. "Here." I coughed breaking the ice. "Thanks." She murmured.

My lemonade and her ice tea came in second laters. Taking a sip, she continued to break the ice by saying, "Since, you want to be friends shouldn't we get to know each other more?" I nodded in agreement. "What do you want to know?"

"I believe I'm allowed to call you by your first name since I don't necessarily work for you." "Yes, you are." I laughed. "Xavier, how many siblings do you have?" "Huh, that's the first question that you desperately wanted to find the answer too?" "I never said I was desperate." She corrected.

Laughing I answered, "I have three siblings. A younger sister Sasha, and two baby twins, Amir and Alyssa"

"Was she the one who entered the restaurant with you?" She blurred out in curiosity. I was taken back to how quick she asked the question. Is she jealous? "Uh yeah, that was Sasha. Why do you ask?" "No reason, she um just looked like you." Right, nice save.

"What about you? Any siblings?" "A big brother Wilson and a younger sister Isabella." "Do they live here too?" "No, they are back home in Washington." "Oh right, do you ever miss home?" "Yea sometimes, moving to Cali was a huge change." "Tell me about it, I lived in New York to Boston to Washington to New Orleans to finally California."

"Why so many states?" "Dad was on a business trip and he was also a missionary so we moved so he can have the opportunity of being close to the lost souls," I explained. "You're a Christian?" "Yes, ma'am, a firm believer at that." I proudly proclaimed. "That's great. Very inspiring how your dad is out there changing the world." She complimented. "Thanks, he's out in Africa now. The family decided to stay here in Cali since we enjoy the state and for personal reasons as well."

The night continued as our conversation grew. I was able to know so much about Rose that I forgot about my other appointments. I left Rose for about fifteen minutes to call Ashley and advised her to reschedule my clients and meet with a few before closing the office.

She agreed of course and I added a couple more dollars to her paycheck. This is why she's the best secretary and front desk manager for the job. After the call, I went back and the conversation soon ended as the night pursued on.

"It was nice meeting you Rose." "Same to you Xavier. Again thank you for helping me." "No problem, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask," I advised her. I walked her out of the cafe and to her car. Giving her an embrace I opened her door allowing her to slip in and smile. "Drive safe and have a nice night." "You too Xavier, bye."

I witnessed as she drove away into the night. Nice talk Xavier, nice talk.


Looks like they are finally on the friends base! Finally breaking the shell guys, so proud of you!

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