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Shallow - Carys Selvey (lyrics)

Part 1 - The Unwilling tool


A young girl sat watching the water as it rushed toward her feet, before being pulled back by the current. Her long, ebony black hair blew freely in the breeze as she twisted a silver locket between her fingers, and her dark eyes stared aimlessly at nothing. " Sam, are coming?" A voice called out to her, snapping her out of her trance and she turned to find a young boy with blonde hair standing at the edge of the beach. " Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

" Well hurry up, or you'll miss dinner."

He walked away and Sam let out a sigh before hiding the locket away in her shirt where a second necklace sat with 7 multi colored beads, and claimed to her feet to brush the sand off of her jeans. Her old sneakers sank into the sand as she trudged through it in the direction that the young boy had went. As she approached the dinning pavilion, several people glanced at her, but none met her cold gaze as she took her seat the head table, like so many times before. " Good evening, Samantha." A man in a wheel chair to her right told her, and she nodded in response before beginning to lazily pick at her food as the remaining people began to trail into the pavilion.

" Is he awake, yet?" She asked after a few minutes, and the man nodded before motioning toward an extremely packed table. " He awoke just this morning."

She was silent as she watched him before, she stood and picked up her plate and goblet. " Guess I had better go, and say hello to my new cousin then." She said, more to herself then to the man in the wheel chair.

The boy with the blonde hair greeted her with a nod as she approached before scooting over to make room for her to sit. " So Luke, what do you make of the new hero?" She asked him and he shrugged. " Hard to say since he's only been here a day." He responded before he called out to a boy the same age as her. " Hey Percy, I'd like to introduce you to Samantha De Morte."

Percy had messy black hair, and sea green eyes; eyes that seemed to ask an unspoken question. " It's okay, you can ask." Sam told him as she popped a grape in her mouth. " I'm not ashamed about who my father is."

Percy glanced at Luke who only smirked at his confusion before slapping him on the back as he said. " Just know that she's a great help when it comes to capture the flag."

" I would be if someone actually listened to me." Sam grumbled before she shrugged it off as she added. " But then again, they have good reason, and I'd rather follow then lead."

" Good reason?" Percy questioned and Sam let out a quite laugh as she smirked. " People tend to avoid me once they find out my parentage." Sam said. " Kind of hard to go on quests when no one wants to be around you, even if Chiron doesn't allow them anymore."

" Hey, Loser." A voice called out from one of the other tables, just before something hit Sam in the back of head. Several people looked over in shock, but only those sitting closest to Sam saw the fire suddenly burn in her dark gaze as she ignored her. " Don't you ignore me." The girl said as she walked over to stand behind her, but as she reached out as if to pull her off bench, Sam grabbed her wrist and bent it backward until she was forced to the ground as Sam stood up. " Keep your hands off me, or you'll lose them." Sam hissed and the whole pavilion went quite as the temperature seemed to drop suddenly. Sam let go before turning to walk away, leaving the entire pavilion to stare after her in silence; a silence which was broken as several people began to whisper amongst each other.

" One person you do not want to cross, if you value your life." Percy heard Luke tell him." but she's one of the greatest allies that anyone could have in battle."

" From what you guys said, her dad is the immortal one; who is he?"

" I think its better if she told you herself." Luke said as he sipped from his glass and Percy looked in the direction that Sam had disappeared.

Meanwhile Sam was walking along the beach, when she suddenly came to a stop and glanced back toward the pavillion, before reaching into her pocket, and pulling out an ipod and headphones, which she shoved into her ears. She hit play, and immediately music began to play through the speakers causing a small smile to cross her face, before she sprinted off toward the woods at the edge of the camp.

And she didn't stop running, until long after she had reached the tree line.

And she didn't stop running, until long after she had reached the tree line

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(Sam ^)

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