Division 10

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Just as the teens were meters away from where the General wanted them to be, he let out a piercing howl. His soldiers advanced almost right away and lunged towards the teens. Finally, their wait was over and dinner literally walked towards them in surrender.

Eric was the first to see them coming. A black dot of rot and decay covered most of the greenery in his vision and although it seemed far, the hustle of death ran far too quick and neared him and his friends as quick as light.

"TURN THE FIRETRUCK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, spinning around on his heels.

He could hear the loud thumps of his own heart as well as all his friend's. The Decayers kept advancing, running crazily.

"They're freaking everywhere!!!!" Alex yelled. He pulled everyone tightly around him and got ready to fight.

Eric knew from the look on Alex's face that he was scared. As tough as he may have seemed, this surprise attack really threw him off his feet.

"Eric?" he heard someone call his name.


"Don't leave me."

It was Erin.

"I won't," he looked down at her with the best smile he could possibly put on his face at that moment. "Stay close to me, okay? Everything will be alright."

"They're surrounding us! Alex, what do we do!?" Sophia cried. Her dark blue eyes glinted with tears and she looked just scared as everyone else.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" Alex yelled. "I don't fugging know!!"

"Run to those rocks over there," Erin whispered quietly.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Eric asked. He looked back at the mob of Decayers, who were closer to them than ever. "They've circled us."

He watched Erin bend down and grab a few sticks that were scattered around the forest floor. He hadn't noticed them at all before until Erin held them over his face.

The sticks were big and fairly strong-looking. Their ends were slanted and sharp as if they had been manually snapped off of a tree. Nature couldn't possibly be this precise.


"Use these as weapons and try your best to get through and climb those rocks. There are fewer Decayers in that part of the circle." Erin pointed at a pile of large stones that sat beside a pine tree. They were far but there was still a half percent chance they would make it. "If we leave now, the Decayers will be confused and take a few second to restart their destroyed brains and look for where we have gone. By then, we'll be up those rocks and hopefully safe."

Alex looked at her and then at the accelerating mob of rot that still continued to run towards them.

Eric thought about the plan and decided that it was literally the only way for survival in this situation. Either it was a coincidence or just God wanting them to continue on with this wretched life, but something told him that this wasn't the end.

"I think it's a great plan," he said, tightening his grip on Erin's hand.

"Me too," Alex nodded. "Sophia?"

The three of them looked at Sophia, who let out a quiet cry. "I just want to live, man!"

"So dramatic, Sophia. You should tone it down a bit." Eric chuckled.

"Yeah, man. Not everyone here wants what you want." Erin said sarcastically.

"Alright guys, let's go. See you on the rocks." Alex said, giving them all a tight squeeze. "Stay close and stay brave. Remember what Head of Zone used to tell us?"

World In Chaos: AFTER THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now