Division 5

69 27 13

The bus creaked sideways, causing the branches entangled around it to snap. Those that had broken into the vehicle, penetrated deeper inside. The Decayers continued to push against the bus, their long nails scratching off the yellow paint and replacing it with blood and infection.

Erin tried to get up. Her arms were bruised and a piercing branch had torn most of her black t-shirt exposing her left ribcage. Her skin was scratched leaving a red tint around the bruise. Her body aches from the sudden fall but she seemed fine otherwise.

The rest of her friends were pretty much okay, although, Eric was extremely dumbfounded and in shock. 

"Uh... Well, this can't get any worse" he moaned as he sat up.

Everyone had fallen off their seats when the bus crashed into the ditch. Their faces were marked with dirt and blood, intensifying the situation they were in.

"Never say that... Something bad always happens when someone says that." Alex attempted to stand up but as he did the bus tilted forward, going deeper into the hole.

And sure enough, they heard a scream along with a series of gurgling blood.

Sophia's ears rang. "What was that?" she asked jerking her had towards the sound. She was on all her fours and her pigtails had been forced loose, discarding blonde strands of hair from the messy bundle.

The noise had come from the front. It continued to amplify as the kids neared it. Blood splattered on the floor of the bus as more flowed from the driver's seat and onto the gears and the gas pedal. Since the bus was tilted forward, the blood began to pile up in the corner, where the front of the bus met the bottom.

"Oh my God... Oh my God" Sophia cried at the sight.

Erin slowly crept up to the seat for a better view. They had guessed there was obviously something wrong with the driver, but when Erin caught a glimpse of the scene, she knew there was more to it than what met the eye.

No one but Erin dared to go near the thing that once used to be a friendly old man in his 60s. There was something other than branches and pieces of car parts on him. Something that moved and groaned.

The scene was quite dreadful. On the seat where the driver had sat, lay a rather gruesome thing. Its chest was torn open and piles of body parts lay in a pool of blood. Several long tree branches pierced through the front window of the bus and stuck on the body like a fishing hook, severing the only surviving part of skin. His eyes were far from bloodshot and the brown irises stared a long way up, vibrating slightly but moving not. Blood spilled out of his open mouth like drool and it still felt as if he were screaming but making no sound.

The moving thing that was continuously digging through the open bowl of flesh and blood was creeping in from a hole in the window. The bottom part of its chest seemed to be held back by rows of jagged glass that dented its rotting skin, causing a yellow-ish red fluid to drain out of it and stain the glass.

It made no sound but a monotonous grunt ever so often. The loud slurping of blood deviated the sounds of moans that surrounded the entangled vehicle. The thing reached in closer, pushing against the glass and the door. The smell of blood became more noticeable as the nails of the creature sinked deeper and farther into the body.

The Decayers surrounding the bus noticed the commotion in the front and dragged their rotten bodies towards it. Their large nails sank deep into each other's flesh, hankering for their piece of fresh meat.

The door bent inwards from all the weight and force. With the meat diminishing by the primitive Decayer, the other creatures began reaching further, hoping to grasp whatever was left.

World In Chaos: AFTER THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now