Division 9

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The forest echoed of wild bird songs and the rustling of leaves. What light managed to seep through the thick leaves was filtered different shades of green and the ground was wet from moisture. The sun was beginning to set, up above the highest of trees, where it hid from the children who seemed oblivious of the time.

Something danced among the leaves. Playfully. Quiet. It made no sound and was careful to not be much of a distraction when the teens passed by. Attentive to all what they said, it watched, curiously. They seemed different to it, yet, the same. When the time was right, it will go. But for now, it must watch. Mystically.

Erin lets out a yawn. Her arms stretch up and flop back down. In moments time, another yawn erupts from Eric's mouth. Then, Sophia's. Then, Alex's. What a funny thing, yawn was. It would start from one and spread to everyone like a flu. Even those who weren't tired, would give in to join the Yawn Parade.

"Are you sure you aren't taking us around in circles?" Alex asked. He was getting annoyed.

"I'm sure that I'm not sure." Erin replied, mentally reciting the line again to make sure what she had said really did make sense. And it did. At least, for her.

Alex stopped in the middle of the path. "Look, we literally just passed that rock two minutes ago. This is pointless, we're wasting time."

Sophia nodded in agreement. "I'm hesitant to say this, but, I really don't want my sandwich to digest just yet."

"Study shows that there are approximately seven people in the world who look just like you." Erin replied with total confidence, despite the fact that Alex and Sophia were both staring at her with confusion. She continued to march down the vague path of dirt and rocks. It did look familiar now that she looked at her surroundings more closely. The tree that looked like a giant face, they had just passed that and now it was back, staring down at her with pity.

She could feel Alex roll his eyes. Truth is, she was taking them around in circles. It was odd, though. The path on which she and Eric had journeyed upon seemed to have disappeared. All of the red trails she had made across the ground had vanished. Even the orange dog-looking bush she had seen while talking with Cinder was nowhere to be seen. Had that been all a dream? A hallucination?

"I think study said that about human beings not messed up looking rocks." He said.

Eric ran up to Erin and pinched her elbow. "Yo, we're lost, aren't we."

Erin immediately pulled her arm away from his claw-like fingers. It must have been his sharp nails. Since when did they ever have time to cut it?

"Youch!" she yelled, smacking him right back in the face.

His face spun to the side and came back, a hand over the redness of his skin. "Dude!? I'm sorry. Jeez!"

"Heh," she chuckled, then, lowered her voice. "As for your question, yes. Yes, we are lost."

He widened his eyes and whispered back. "What are we going to do then?"

"Nothing. Just continue walking as if you totally know where the hell it is we're going."

"Great plan! And let Alex and Sophia blow up in impatience! Wonderful!'

"Too much exaggeration," but she turned around to check on Alex and Sophia, anyways. They definitely looked mad. However, did not look fat enough to blow up. (Note: Not fat enough, but, still fat. 😊)

"And plus, we'll find the campsite. This forest can't be too big."

Eric didn't take this too calmly. Erin couldn't blame him. She knew she was wrong. The forest was big. And dangerous. And creepy. The inhabitants of it were unknown. But, then again, everything from now on was bound to stay unknown. The world wasn't the same as it was two years ago.

World In Chaos: AFTER THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now