Chapter 21: The Start Of The Journey Ahead

Start from the beginning

Their conversation was not the one bringing eyes, but instead the fact that one of them seemed to be the rumoured Shadow Swordsman and his blood blade.

"I knew I shouldn't have fought them, but I got too cocky." I sighed as I took a drink of some water.

"Was it for your pride?" Deliva asked. "You can say that." I said as I swirled the water in my cup.

"Sir? May I g-get you something?" a waiter walked over to our table. I took a look at the parchment she gave us. After a quick glance over the options and made my decision.

"I'll have whatever the chef will want to serve me." I said.

"What about the others?"
"I'll have the same."
"So will I!"

After the waiter noted our orders and left, a little kid ran up to our table. "I am stronger than you, Shadow Swordsman!" he threw a rock at me.

I caught the rock and crushed it in my hand, "Look kid, I'm trying to get some food. Leave me alone.".

"Never! You are scared?" he yelled. "I know you're ignorant because your young, but leave me alone kid. Anyway, where are your parents?".

Speaking of the devil, a lady walked over to our table in a collected manner. "I am sorry, but this is my son. He just misses his father." she bowed her head.

"I would believe that if you weren't reaching in your pocket." I sighed.

"I beg your pardon? I do not know what you are speaking of." she looked up, looking slightly offended.

"An assassination attempt in broad daylight? Seriously, who would pay for this?" I laughed.

"I do not know what you are talking about." she kept the pokerface.

"Steel dagger, laced with a neurotoxin capable of killing a normal person in about five seconds. Based on the angle you're facing and the position of your arm, you're going for a swift neck stab. There's no need to feint ignorance." I sighed.

Her tone changed, "Look, I do not know you, you do not know me. It was a good paying job and I could not refuse.".

"I understand, you're just doing your job, and I understand that. Now go before I change my mind about letting you go." I smiled.

She quickly scampered off.

"You let an assassin go?!?!" Deliva yelled. "Of course I did, what would you think I'd do, kill her?".

"Well, yes?".

"No no no no no, that would be stupid."

"Why exactly?"

"You see, if someone would pay "good money" to kill me in broad daylight, in public, on my firsts days here, and hire an "Elite Assassin" as their main job, they must really want me dead. Killing her now would only make her death quick and painless, well less painful than letting her go." I smiled.

"Umm sir, here's your food." the waitress bowed. "Thank you." I smiled.

The dish was simple, lamb soup, a side of small salad, and a basket of bread. I took a small taste, the lamb was a speck too salty, but still good, the salad was normal, and the bread was a little dry. It seemed the best thing to do is dip the bread in the soup and eat it that way.


After a filling lunch, we parted from Deliva so she could prepare for the journey ahead. Us on the other hand, went a little shopping.

"What exactly do we need on our journey?" I asked the other two. "Two tents, and that might be just it." Aaron stated.

"Maybe some spices, salt, some more kitchen supplies, and maybe a bag." I said.

"Why a bag?"

"Just mostly for aesthetics and to hide my abilities." I looked at the [Mind Map].

"Over there's a general store, an alchemist shop, and a supply shop." I pointed them in different directions.

"I'll get the salt, Aaron can get the bag and tents, and Luna can go to get spices." I gave Aaron a few gold coins and sent them off.

When I entered the alchemist shop, a bell rang with the door. "How may I help you?" an alchemist in robes and a wizard's hat said.

"Do you have salt?" I asked politely. "Yes, what tier?" she asked. "Umm, the highest?" I nervously laughed.

She placed a bag on the counter, "This is C grade salt, is it what you need?" she opened the bag. It was a yellowish looking salt.

"Erm, do you have any white salt?"

"White salt?" she laughed, "I have never heard of white salt. Maybe some king's personal alchemist has it, if it is that rare.".

"How exactly do you get salt?"

"Distilling saltwater using monster cores. Are you a beginner alchemist?"

"Umm, okay. I guess I'll take the salt...."

"6 silvers please."

I left with a sad heart and a bag full of salt.

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