Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi! My name is Kirst, and this is my first story! Before I started the story, I thought I would share a few things about my writing style. I don't name my chapters if I can avoid it; My grammar is terrible (so are my punctuation abilities); I try to avoid block dialogue, but sometimes I slip. If I catch it, or someone else does, I will edit the chapter.

I think that's everything, so here's the first chapter!

~~Story Start~~

"Never, speak their names again!" Rip Hunter yelled, shoving Vandal Savage into the electrical box. Kendra Saunders, Carter Hall, and Aleera Hunter all took a step back.

Rip took a breath as Firestorm, Sara Lance, Mick Rory, and Ray Palmer ran up. Firestorm split apart into Professor Martin Stein, and Jefferson Jackson.

"Umm, guys, what happens if only one of these explode?" Sara, the White Canary, sounded uncharacteristically nervous. Rip looked over.

"Ah, the world will explode." Aleera threw her hands in the air.

"Oh, is that all?" Rip looked back at his daughter, before running off, only Aleera noticing. 

Meanwhile, the Legends were going through their options. "Maybe the Waverider could take the meteor, fly it into the sun." Ray said, pacing around the crate.

"Exactly my thoughts, Dr. Palmer." Rip's voice came over the comms, and everyone looked up. 

"Rip, what are you doing? You'll die if you do this, get out of there." Sara called.

"I'm afraid Miss Lance, that someone has to pilot the Waverider correctly." A tractor beam caught the meteor, and pulled it up into the ship.

As the ship flew off, Aleera put her hands over her mouth, looking like she was about to scream. Mick put a hand on her shoulder, being a silent comfort. Suddenly, the world seemed to start going in reverse, and Aleera was the only one that could tell.

"Guys, where's the Waverider?" Jax asked, looking around. Aleera looked at him, confused.

"Better question, where's the meteor?" Ray asked. Aleera turned to him, even more confused.

"It, is in the sun." Rip said over the comms again. "Now, would you all like to come aboard?" The Legends shared a look, and ran on board.

"Rip, what happened?" Jax asked, picking up a tube that has exploded out of the wall.

"I flew the meteor into the sun. The heat shields didn't quite stop... all of this. Sorry." Jax nodded, and threw the tube back onto the ground. Rip moved past the Legends as they made their way to the bridge. 

"Aleera, are you alright?" The girl's head jerked in the direction of her father. 

"Yeah, fine. Why?"

"You were, looking around aimlessly. We should go to the bridge, come on." Aleera shook her head.

"No, I need to go." 

"Aleera, what are you talking about? Come on." Aleera shook her head again, and stepped back. 

"I have to go. I can't- I need to leave, I'm sorry." She turned around, and ran to the jumpship bay, climbing into the jumpship. 

"Aleera!" Rip skidded to a stop as the jumpship pulled out, and Aleera took off.

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