Wishing for Wings

Start from the beginning

"So these messenger missions, are they hard?"

"Nothing is easy even after you reach eternity. Some souls get bored. They ask to be born again. Others like you, want to visit but need wings. Others just want to stay here and wait for their soul to be called back to live again amongst humans. But souls like me, we don't get reborn." Jonghyun wondered about that.

"Why are some souls not reborn?" It didn't seem fair for them not to have that chance.

"It's because we are all given a mission when we are created. Some souls live through the missions that they are asked to do on earth. In my case, I was tasked with bringing some truths in the world. And I was meant to be a teacher of men who would teach other men who would teach other men who would continue to teach the truths I shared. And I completed that mission in one lifetime. So I can retire here for all eternity."

"That's pretty cool."

The scholar laughed. "Being here is also part of the mission. I am one of the many souls who can school other souls like you. Your mission is not yet complete. So you have to come back, someday." Jonghyun felt excitement.

"Do I get to sing when I come back?" the scholar expected that question.

"If the Earth you return to still needs music then yes." The scholar mused.

"How can humans stop needing music?" Jonghyun was suddenly worried that music might not be around when he gets called back.

"Well during my time they read the stars instead of text messages. So who can predict what truths the Lord would allow humans to gain?"

"Maybe I should just work on getting reborn." Jonghyun was on the fence now.

"If you are reborn, you lose all your memories for a brief period. For a lifetime, at least. Very few get to keep their memories since that can interfere with how they live their lives. If their mission requires that, they can keep some of their memories, the lingering ties of love they had in their past life. But for the most part, people who failed their mission the first time, they get a clean slate."

Jonghyun didn't want to forget his brothers, family and friends just yet. He looks out at them whenever he can. It's just visiting them in dreams takes a lot of effort. And the feelings that the people get after dreaming of him is out of his control. He didn't want to see them cry so he visited only when it was necessary.


"Your wings are ready." Jonghyun was surprised when he heard the holy news.

"Thank you so much!" He was excited to be granted wings. "But doesn't this come with a fine print or something?"

He heard a bellowing laugh that filled him with a gleeful light. "You are a funny one, Jonghyun."

"You made me this way." He smirked and did a V sign at God.

"That I did." The light that was in front of him wasn't blinding. But Jonghyun was happy to be in His holy presence. "Your mission is to send messages to certain people whose hearts have gone cold, astray or lost. You have to return them into my loving arms. Do you think you can do that?"

"Your wish is my command." He bowed.

"You will be granted not just wings but a guide. You will see things and feel the human condition even more than they can. As a soul whose darkness have been eased by prayers you will encourage more to do the same. I warn you of one thing, Jonghyun."

"What is that, my Lord?"

"Free will is something a human has but an angel does not. You will find that this gift I gave to mankind, can...lead to complications in completing your mission." Jonghyun nodded. He knew more than any soul there how free will can turn one into the wrong path.

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