Part 26

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Its been a month now that i am back. I am still happy single. I and Colby are just like we where before he told me he likes me. We are just bestfriends and i talked with him and we will never be together. We will stay friends.

I and Brenne did not have much contact. Colby and Brennen are friends, i am so happy about that. Of course it was really awkward but as i see they are just best friends again.

I have been doing my thing, making youtube video and instagram feed. I have 2 instagram account one is my main account with pictures of my self. But the other one is my photographe account. I love making photos and i post them on that account. I have a youtube account with some art stuff. I also colab with everybody in the house.

Brennen parkt the car  and we walked and i took some photos. After i took photos from Brennen we walked back to the car. I went sitting in the car  and looked trough the pictures. Damn the pictures where really good and Brennen looks really good. "let me see" Brennen said. I showed him some pictures "I will show you more when we are home" I said. "Where to go next?" Brennen asked. "Maybe the abbended zoo" I said. "Well lets go" He said. Brennen is also vlogging.

After a while of sitting in the car we where by the abbenden zoo from log angels. I get out the ca rand i hear Brennen vlogging again. I looked around me for a good spot to shoot some pictures. "Brennen if just walk in front of me, not to fast i then i can shoot some photos" I said. He puts hit camera away in to the car. He walkes in front of me. "Okay now i am going to stand in front of you and you walk to me or run" I said. I walk so far that Brennen can run to me. I put my camera to my face and Brennen walkes to me. Then he stards running to me. I keep shoting photos and he stops in front of me. I smiled and we walked trough the zoo. We walked trough the places where the animals slept. We end up standing on the highest top of the zoo. The sun is setting and i took some photos of it. Brennen was standing in the shot. He walked to me so i stopt staking pictures. "My turn to take pictures of you" Brennen said with a smirk. Its weird that i ever had a realtion with him. It feels like we stared over again. I almost feel like i am falling in love with him again. Brennen grabbed my photocamera and started shooting photos of me. I walked around and climed of the thing where where on top of. "Stop" Brennen said so i did and looked at him. "Now smile" He said and i smiled because of his smile on his face. "thats perfect" Brennen said and came walking to me. I walked away from him. He is still taking pictures of me. It makes me laugh. I was standing outside the the animal shelters. I walked around and explored the place a little. "allisa" I hear Brennen said and i look up. Brennen puts the Camera down on the ground. I almost wanted to said that he is not allowed to do that. That camera is exspensive. But Brennen walked to me and he looks so damn good. I wanted to hug hi mand kiss him i have know idea where those thoughts came from. Brennen puts his arm around my waist pushing my body to his. I put my arms around his neck. His other around wrappes around me. Before i know i was kissing him. It feels so good better then all the other times i kissed him. His strong arms around me and his lips on mine. I have never felt this all the other times this is differnt, but better. It feels more real. We both pulled back and i looked at him. He looks me in the eyes. I put my hand on the side of his face. That made him smile and that made me smile. Then i wnet with the same hand trough his hair. He was still looking me in the eyes. I looked from his hair back in to his eyes. I moved my face closer to his face and he did the same. I kissed Brennen again it still feels the same as 1 minute ago. There could be a opportunity thet where are getting back togetter. I want to be his again. I pulled back from the kiss. "i have only 3 words to say" Brennen said to me as he looks me in the eyes i know what he is going to say. " i love you i never stopped loving you" Brennen said. "I love you to Brennen" I said. I put my head on his chest and my hand to. I looked at the sunset. This moment is perfect. The sun is almost gone. "Do you wanna be mine again?" Brennen asked me. I looked up and looked him in the eyes. "Yes i do" I said and Brennen hugged me.

Relation Problems - with Brennen Taylor-Where stories live. Discover now