Chapter 19- Lies from a dead man

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It feels as if all my questions have been answered, as I find out that I had been put into a mindlock and a projected reality. All of these individuals were my team members in the reality and that's why I recognized them, but something else tells my I knew them way before. They also tell my about their plan and that my father is not who he use to be. That something may of corrupted him or made him switch sides.

"This is not Lights Oath, he has changed us and turned us into the bad guys, Lights Oath was originally created as a secret group to ward of the Abyss Realm." Ryan explains. "Lights Oath has been around for centuries, we were created when the first Walker arrived, he also brought the Abyss. The Abyss is just what it sounds like, an endless dark realm where creatures of myth and legends live, but also the darkness. When the Walker uses his powers, the rift to the Abyss grows. The first Walker never intended for that to happen, so he kept it a secret and form Lights Oath, only those strong enough and brave enough to fight back this evil can join."

"So that explains those creatures I see." I reply back.

"Yes, and you have been marked by the Abyss, when a Walker arrives, he is able to be marked to cast the marking onto someone else. This mark establishes one with the Abyss and is able to use its powers to either summon it or repel it and keep the Abyss from growing stronger whenever the Walker uses their power."

"Wait, so if I'm not the Walker, then is my father?"

"We don't actually know, we lost contact with the fifth one when she delved into the Abyss in search of someone, she never came back. 10 years passed and we know that there has been 2 other walkers, and they all have not contacted us. So we lost hope and decided to create a new way of repelling the Abyss. Then your father showed up and took command, claiming to be the heir to LO and promised new technology and a way to restore former glory. He did for a year, but then something happened and he's turned into a tyrant, someone who ruled with an iron fist who goes against all that we stand for."

"That doesn't sound like him at all, are you sure it's my father?"

Ryan simply nods. This is all so much information to take in, I place my face in my hands, and think. Lights Oath, Walkers, my father and the Abyss are all connected? And all I wanted to do was find my father, but now I've been dragged into this mess? It all sounds like a cliche anime plot, I chuckle a little.

"So, if what you are saying is true, then how do we stop it?" I reply

"The plan is a full frontal assault, your father is a strong man. But no man is invincible and able to defend against army. So the plan is to return with you and bind him."

"What's the catch?"

"No catch, when we are near the base, Dan will start the coup and we will enter and take over with someone new in charge."

"So no catch? Usually there's a catch"

"Let's be realistic here, no catch"

"This just seems so wrong wrong" I shake my head a bit more. But I agree to go along with it, if this is truly my father then I have some major questions. But if it is, do I have the right to fight against him? I'll just follow along for now...

We arrived at the base, two huge metal doors carved into a mountain, almost hidden. The opened slowly and you could hear them screech and creak. They opened up to a huge court yard with armoured vehicles and airships all around, mechanics and others all around as well; as if it was a secret army headquarters; well it was. I followed Dan and his team to the head quarters where my father was supposedly chained down and his semblance disables by Dan, they are going to interrogate him.

This all seems to be happening so quickly, but I feels so wrong. Once we arrived, I saw my father, chains around his neck, around his hands keeping him the ground and a collar that disabled his semblance. He looked at me, and smiled.

"Hello.....son" He said. "It's been awhile, don't you agree? My you've grown, and now you stand before me, as a not my son but a traitor. You know I knew this would happen, but going to that filthy world was a bad idea. But your mother insisted..."
"What do you mean?" I yelled.

"You mean that bitch of a wife didn't say? I'm not surprised, that world made us soft, corrupted our minds, no real challenge, no real fight for survival. Crossing realms was a toll on us. It corrupted not our minds but also our souls. It wasn't till the Abyss arrived with the gammas that I remembered. Oh yes, i remembered it quite clearly. You were born here, a son of the Abyss. But your wife didn't want the Queen to corrupt you, so she used here semblance on me to have me open up a portal to that so called Earth, to live a happy life and keep you away. But with every portal follows the Abyss. It drove me mad when it arrived and I knew I had to escape her semblance and regain my true self here. So I came back, and took control of Lights Oath to allow the Abyss to grow stronger. YOU ARE A PART OF IT!" He yelled, lunging forward but the chains holding him back. "With your presence here, the Abyss grows stronger, Lights Oath has grown weaker and nothing can stop I -" A gun fired; from my hand. His lifeless corpse fell to the ground, black blood oozing from his head. I killed what I believed to be my father, but I knew it wasn't. All lies falling from a already dead mans mouth.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR?" Ryan yelled.
"All lies, no point in listening to it. Snow had ran a scan through your computer system and with some time she revived an old AI we found. My father was dead long ago, and all that this was was a corrupted corpse of the Abyss that apparently according to it, my mother had suppressed within him when I was born. No need in keeping it alive anymore." I explained to them that during my initiation to Beacon, I stumbled upon an armoured corpse with a fading AI, Snow had kept it and revived it here, but it didn't live long.

"This....has been one eventful day." A man named Ashton said. The others of his team nodded.

-Authors notes-
Well this story has taken a hhhuggeee turn from how I wanted it to go. But hey yenno it's seems alright. This chapter was more so a plot hole fixer ish kinda one, but I also wanted to get a chapter out since it's been forever.
But yeah, thank you all for still reading and hopefully I can get this back on track. As well I may do some chapters to fill in plot holes that I notice
Also don't mind the cliches.....ccclliiccchhheeessss

Thank you all for the support!!


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