Your First Kiss-

"I am scared Mel," You confessed. "About," Melisandre asked? "What if we are killed what if the visions in the flames are wrong," You asked. "Our Lord has and our visions have never been wrong my flame," The red-haired woman reassures. "How can we be sure," You confide?  "I promise you will not die the visions are clear and speak only truth you have nothing to worry about," The blue-eyed woman says softly as she took your face in her hands. She lightly pressed her lips to yours. Your lips moved with her's in sync. It was slow and nervous at first but soon enough it was passionate and lust filled.

Who says I love you first plus how it happened + how she asked you to be her girlfriend+ first fight-


You sat away from camp sobbing into your hands with your knees to your chest. "My flame are you alright," You heard the familiar voice ask? "Go away," You choke out through your sobs. "What is wrong," The red priestess asked? "You are what is wrong," You snap. "What have I done y/n," The red woman asked? You let out a sarcastic laugh. "What have I done I don't know maybe YOU BURNED MY BROTHER  AND OTHER INNOCENT BANNERMAN ALIVE," Your scream anger boiling over. "I had to do it  R'hllor demanded them as a sacrifice," The redhead explained. "IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT THE DAMN LORD OF LIFE," You scream. "NO, I CARE FOR YOU," The blue-eyed woman hollers back. "yeah I so believe that one," You reply sarcastically. "I do I love you," The older woman yells. "Yeah sure you do," You sass. "I do I love you I am in love with you I  care for you so much I could never live without you Please, believe me, I love you," Melisandre pleaded. "Ok if you love me why did you burn my brother," You say tears threating to fall again. "I am sorry ok I wish I didn't I wish the lord of light would have chosen someone that meant so much to you but he did I am sorry and I do love you," she says. "I love you too Mel and I do forgive you but it will take awhile to forget," You say confess. "I can handle that," She says pulling you into her arms. "Will you be mine," She whispered in your ear? "Yes," You answered placing your palm on her cheek and leaning up to kiss her.

Why you keep your relationship a secret- 

You were both Women so a relationship was frowned upon.

You break up pt. 1-

Guards held you back as you screamed and frailed trying to get to your niece. After her screams stopped you began to scream at them. "I HATE YOU ALL OF YOU I HOPE YOU ROTT IN HELL," You scream. "Calm down," Melisandra says. "YOU KILLED MY NIECE I AM DONE WITH YOU I AM DONE WITH US," You scream.  "You are buried in grief this will pass," She shrugs off. "I MEAN IT MELISANDRE YOU ARE DEAD TO ME," You scream before walking to the post where your niece had once been but now was only ashes on the ground. You dropped to your niece and sobbed for your innocent sweet little Shireen.

You react to the break up pt. 2-

You loved her so of course, you missed her. You were hurt her by her and her actions. Yet you did not regret leaving her and doubted you would ever get back with her again. You did miss her and found yourself thinking of what a future with her would have been. You were upset and angry but were happy and content with your decision.

You get back together pt. 3-


You had avoided Stannis, Melisandre, and Selyse until one day a guard ran to you. "Lady y/n it is your sister she has hung herself," A guard pants frantically. You picked up the dresses and sprinted back with the guard. You saw your sister's body hanging with Stannis and the woman you once considered your lover looking up at her. "What happened," You asked with teary eyes. You loved your sister despite everything she had been a part of. "She hung herself we suspect it was out of guilt for Shireen and your brother," Stannis answers. "Can you have someone get her down I can't handle seeing her hang like that," You ask? Stannis nodded his head at a guard. The guards untied her before lying on the ground. You got on your knees next to her. Pulling her head into your lap. "My big sister you were my protector when we were younger when the other girls would say something mean to me you were there You saved me from having to marry some old cruel lord I have always looked up to you despite the fact that you were a little crazy and I was angry at you for the doings you consented to but I have always looked up to you I love you Sel I always will I will miss my older sister I will always miss you Selyse rest easy," You say sofly before standing up. You wiped the tears from your eyes. You nodded towards Stannis. "Take her away," Stannis demanded to the guards. "Build her a pier she deserves a pure send-off," Melisandra says. The guards carried her away. Tears fell from your eyes as you watched. A pair of familiar arms wrapped around you. You sobbed into her shoulder as she comfortingly ran her hand up and down your back. After a few moments, you were able to calm your crying. You pulled away and looked into her eyes. "Thank you Melisandre," You thank. "It was the least I could do I still want to be there for you if not as your girlfriend then as your friend," The red priestess answered. You leaned forward and took her face in yours before kissing her. She brought her arms to your waist and you dropped yours to her neck. You pressed your bodies together as the rest of the world disappeared.

Who she is Jealous of-

Sir Davos Seaworth

You and Davos were good friends. You helped Shireen teach him how to read. Melisandra did not like him anyways so seeing you with him would anger her. She couldn't help but be jealous. She feared she would lose you because you were always happy in his presence while she has caused you a lot of pain. She was jealous of Sir Davos Seaworth.

Who you are jealous of-

Stannis Baratheon

Stannis had Melisandra a good portion of the time. He had given birth to a shadow baby after sleeping with him. She had killed many men for him. You were jealous of Stannis.

How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her-

Your mother, father, and brothers had no idea about your relationship. Selyse on the other hand knew and was supportive. Shireen didn't quite understand but was happy you were happy. Stannis had his suspicions but never brought attention to the subject.

Her favorite dress on you-

Her favorite physical and personality feature-

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Her favorite physical and personality feature-


She loved your hands. She loved the way they fit perfectly in hers. She loved how soft they were. She loved the way they felt when they glided over her body. She loved your hands.


Your curiosity was her favorite personality feature. She loved how you asked her questions about her past or anything under the moon. She admired your longing to travel and be free. She loved curiosity.

The moment you realized you loved her-

You had a small crush on her yes but on your first date laying under the stars in her arms. You knew you loved her and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her.

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